Is "Büstenhalter" an example of that? Mind you, as kids we always used "Floppenschtopper" as an alternative.
Get to the meat market, furthest stall from the front doors had some today. Tastes way better than the pre-packaged supermarket ***** as well.
One of my slightly childish workmates always calls slugs perverts due to the snail bart clothes thing. I don’t know if they get offended or not but it made me snigger
Asked my neighbour today if she needed anything from the shops. The answer was nappies for her Grandson, who has Downs Syndrome, and is currently in hospital on a ventilator. Pull ups no good because of all of the wires. His parents can't get them anywhere close to where they live. Think the nappy aisle was a trip down memory lane for my husband, but he managed to find some. Unbelieveable that people are so selfish as to clear the lot.
id love to, but leave home for work at 7am and get back at 6.30pm so I’ve no chance - may have to try and pop to a butchers at lunchtime in donny tomorrow
way some people are behaving is just staggering. fire the EMP i say. let's start again. they won't last two minutes
Went at 6AM this morning. Absolutely crazy but we really needed toilet roll. Managed to get a pack. The toilet roll aisle was empty by 10 past. Don't know if they are holding more back for later in the day or that's it. The scenes are just crazy. Must confess I stocked up on a few things but probably not what others are stocking up on. My Autistic son is very picky out what he's willing to eat. And it's not a case of he will eat it when he gets hungry he will flat out refuse. I don't think we will see any long term shortages of thing but right now it's crazy. A d when you go and see the shelves empty it's hard not feel a little panicked by it all.