Just read that Sky have confirmed that they will allow customers to suspend their subscription (or the Sky Sports element of their overall subscription). However, rather than doing the right thing and just applying it for all customers and despite the fact that upgrading to include it can be done in 5 minutes online, they are insisting that customers call in to request it. I've read several posts elsewhere indicating that the queue is over an hour long. Sigh........
Is it a premium number I tried racing tv and was on the phone that long I decided to just pay the subscription.
Should be a tight barsteward like me I did it as soon as footy went on hold , tbf can't see me bothering again either
Im not sure i will be able to. I signed up in October to an 18 month contract. Will give it a try at some point.
Why the foook don't they do the decent thing and just stop everybodys sports subscriptions. Wan kers.
Watch the clubs squeal when the sponsors pull their money out due to lack of revenue. No football = no advertising = no income for the betting companies.
High quality content. No football No cricket No Golf. No rugby. Even smaller sports are cancelled or chalked off for the season. Owt else buy through the box office. ( That's if there's owt left ) They should suspend the sports package cost till things improve. Not put people through the process of having to suspend it themselves. If this doesn't happen I will not renew my sport subscription. Fkuc em. Greedy gets. I certainly won't miss televised live football. ( Don't watch it anyway) I would miss cricket, rugby league. Some golf events. But I'm sure I won't lose any sleep if I have to forego those sports. Pity the cost of subscribing to one sport is nearly the same as the sports package. Literally got you by the balls.
Thanks for the update Titus. I originally liked your post but didn't want it to appear as though I'd liked the content. Think my view points that out.
Just had a look at this weekend mate. Nothing but debates and repeats. Nobody should have to pay for that. That's why I think they should offer the suspension upfront to everyone. Must be a lot easier than having to process all the individual cases.( But assume they're relying on lots not going through the process) . It would be the decent thing to do.