And France via the UK military. Point being names can mean little. I've no flag to fly for China, it's a draconian society with a shitty economic model.
I know that's a joke but one of his aides/workers did call it that and when asked about it Trump said he saw nothing wrong with the term. The man's unbelievably stupid.
There’s a piece from Reuters where a journalist is asking people not to respond to his rhetoric. He’s saying Trump is in trouble with the way he has handled the coming threat and that the health care system in US is not geared for universal cover to protect them so that even if your covered you could get it from the millions that’s slipped the net . Weighing all this up Trump is trying diversion tactics and he urges them not to let him off the hook by responding solely with these tactics .
The reason it should not be called Chinese virus is simply because at this time the term is potentially divisive. It will cause some people to pick on Chinese people per se. Totally unnecessary and counter productive. At the end of the day, whether or not the virus did start in China as is looking very likely, the virus itself is not 'Chinese'. It doesn't hold Chinese citizenship or carry a Chinese passport. If you think Trump is being sensible or honest you're falling into his trap of dividing when what we should all be doing is uniting and showing international cooperation, sympathy and support.
Trump knows full well what he's doing. He's a walking disaster for the US, who needs to label people and nations in an attempt to distract from his own massive failings. The guy can't string a sentence together unless it's loaded with xenophobic language and hate. When the dust settles on this wouldn't be surprised if this virus didn't originate elsewhere. I'm no fan of the Chinese regime but the lazy nationalist blame game must stop. I'd be more angry if the virus turned out to be man made, but scientists are in agreement this is a natural mutation. China has a massive population so the chances of it originating in a large country are quite high, common sense really. Would Trump be saying the same if it started in India? Doubt it he's on good terms with their leader and got 'amazing' trade deals with them. Anyways I'm off to prepare bat and chips for tea.
I hadnt upto 3 months ago....he does loads on youtube...very good one on prince andrew...maybe his best....but its very good isnt it?
Americans are the most stupid people in the world - and electing that moron proves it more than anyone ever could.
no proof anyone ate a bat but there seems to be evidence that the market in Wuhan were selling them, the following is a quote from a reuters news article Some of the earliest infections were found in people who had exposure to Wuhan’s seafood market, where bats, snakes, civets and other wildlife were sold. China temporarily shut down all such markets in January, warning that eating wild animals posed a threat to public health and safety. heres a link to the article