Suicides. Domestic violence Crime rates Divorce Long term physical and mental health issues outside of Covid19 The reason we are in lockdown isnt becuase the virus can be controlled in that way but as Jay has eluded to more than once. It has become political due to a number of high profile media agitators comparing the UK to Italy so the government has to be seen to be doing something. As of 9pm last night there was over a 1000 people in Barnsley suddenly unemployed with no idea where their next paycheck will come from. Small local businesses will have lost thousands in spoilt stock as most will not be covered by insurance. For something that will affect very few peoples long term health. Most wont even notice it if they did get it. Deputy dawgs post sums the entire situation.
We are protecting the elderly and vulnerable, we're just not ONLY protecting them. As I understand this; we are trying to protect the resources of the NHS; and as far as I can see the only errors we've made so far were to be slow to take this seriously, in terms of educating the public, allowing people to enter the country unchecked and building ventilators.
That's the thing we aren't really protecting me as I don't need protecting. We are harming me, and you and many others. We should be focusing on protecting the vulnerable whilst allowing the rest of us to continue and help that protection by gaining some level of immunity, saving the economy and ensuring that there is a country in a year. Closing bars and cafes will do absolutely nothing whilst allowing 75 year olds with lung problems to jump on the bus and go to a crowded Tesco. We are socially limiting completely the wrong section of society instead of forcing the isolation of those who need it
How do you think we could stop 75 yr olds with lung problems from jumping on a bus? They’ve been told not to. The way you’ve written that makes it look like the government think it’s OK that’s happening
Well here are two things that Boris has said 1. You MUST NOT go to a cafe regardless of how fit you are 2. I advise over 70 year olds not to go out See the difference and how stupid it is?
I meant how do we know that these are the real statistics period. Realistically there could be 3,4,10 or 50 times more fatalities than they are officially stating. I hope they are being truthful on this one.
Read this for a good argument for how Control will work and the problems with the letting it run strategy if the link works from my phone Link didn’t work but hopefully this does
i have seen no official confirmation that nobody has died who unfortunately wouldn't have to died in the same circumstances if they had caught another infection virus According to the scientists people with weak immune systems, underlying health problems and the older you get the more ineffective flu / virus vaccines are. So the people who are the most vulnerable and at a high risk of dying or being hospitalised from COVID-19 a vaccine for it is not going to save them from dying or being hospitalised from it or any other virus hence the huge number of people who still die every year from flu and other virus's with there secondary complications. Our older mums and dads who have problems which mostly come from getting older and their body's wearing out are locked down in there homes because they are worried and have been told they could die or be hospitalised if they catch it and have been told to stay inside and isolate These same people were getting on with there daily life in normality a couple of weeks ago when they could have caught flu and other virus's or infections just as easily which could or would have hospitalised or killed them just the same but they accepted that could happen and got on with there lives. people comparing to World War 2 not sure what to say about that apart from you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves there are estimates that over 50 million civilians died in China alone a generation of your/our mums dads family tree wiped out Not to trivialise it but more people have died falling down the stairs in the USA in the same time frame COVID-19 started. Average of 8 million people die each year of smoking ,1.2 million from second hand smoke and countless millions hospitalised but that's fine nobody's panicking, no ban ,we are not being told to stay in our homes ,people are not being arrested and thrown in jail for smoking in the street. around 3500 people per day die in vehicle accidents around the world how many more 100,000,s /millions each year hospitalised seriously injured paralysed. More people die each and every day of every year from air pollution than have died so far since the COVID-19 outbreak started On average around 8250 people die each day from alcoholic poisoning countless millions hospitalised every year. shall i go on ? where are all the emergency measures , the bans, the closures , the don't go to work,don't go in the pub's for these and other things that kill and hospitalise untold thousands every day and untold millions of people every year. what is happening is a disaster beyond comprehension and i am not talking about the COVID-19 virus
When was the last time the flu filled hospitals to multiple times their critical care capacity? That’s the problem. The NHS cannot keep up with the amount of people that need hospital care as a result of this virus. No healthcare system can. China had to build multiple new hospitals in order to house all the patients. That wouldn’t be allowed to happen here, as the conditions in those hospitals was atrocious, but it kept people alive. Above all else. Stop comparing this to the ******* flu. It’s nothing even close to similar. You say that as this virus mainly kills older people, those people would die anyway. For one, how ******* heartless can you be? For two, older people are dying the most, yes, however people of all ages are requiring critical care (in the US 40% of hospitalised patients are between 20 and 55). What do you expect will happen to those relatively young people when the NHS fills up with patients and there’s nowhere for them to go? Maybe we should throw a few old people out onto the street to make room. Not to mention others that require hospital care for non COVID-19 reasons. There were reports coming out of Italy from doctors saying they had no choice but to turn away patients that were having strokes and heart attacks because there was just nowhere for them to go. Operating Rooms closed and turned into places for beds. Operations cancelled. Chemotherapy has been postponed across the UK, already. You are significantly under-estimating the toll this is going to take on the NHS. Selfish ***** going out drinking on Friday, spreading this around further. Absolutely ridiculous. Now, the deal that has just been struck with the private healthcare industry will help a lot. I’m not sure it will be enough though. We can keep this under NHS capacity. It’s possible, but everybody has to work together and stop spreading this thing around. The issue is the incubation period forces us to be pro-active. We won’t know if the closures implemented on Friday will have been enough for another 10 days (that’s the estimated time between contracting the virus and requiring hospitalisation)
Not heartless just factual. 10,000 have died compared to every other thing you can catch or may die or hospitalise you in every day life every day of the year, every year worldwide it is a drop in the ocean. and as i said why haven't we took these measures with those things. which fill the hospitals up continuously and overload them all the time the odds are 97 + or even 98 99 % you will catch and be killed by COVID-19 about the same as you walking out of the house to go to the shop being struck by lighting on the way to the shop ,buying a lottery ticket when you get there and that ticket is the jackpot winning ticket and returning home and Rita Ora is laying on the bed naked waiting for you. Is the government really trying to save them or just using delaying tactics to mange the health system from being overloaded ?. hospitalisation you say ? As far as i am aware there has been zero patients with COVID-19 in Barnsley hospital indeed there is a message on the Barnsley hospital website saying don't go to the hospital if you think you have it. there is no cure or treatment people are dying from secondary issues due to underlying health problems everybody who is young and healthy and has no underlying health conditions should be going to work. if the government wants to isolate vulnerable people is that going to work . how long should we keep them cooped up the government says 12 weeks and after that just carry on indefinitely ? They are saying after its run its course there will almost certainly be a second wave and 3rd wave and it will most probably be a yearly occurrence . how long do you want us(the world) to isolate for just curious. what happens when the money runs out which will be well before 12 weeks. i doubt there will be a single business left either sole traders or large corporations which have huge borrowing which they have to pay back monthly with no money coming in there are already shops in the town with closing down signs in the windows For whats its worth which is nothing my wife works at a supermarket in town so she is almost certain to catch it and she has asthma and i am a emergency worker so just the same. Our house has been set up with isolation rooms separate toilets in them in case one or both catch it we may have already . i am not sacred or worried in the slightest whatever happens will happen . My mother is 90 dad a little younger mother huge health issues waiting for a heart operation had 2 strokes lung problems not heartless this is life on earth we are on this earth for a very short amount of time worrying yourself to death all the time about everything is not the way i am going to live my life.
I don't have a clue what you're trying to say with those percentages. Are you trying to say there's a 1-3% of dying of COVID-19? Are you then saying that there's a greater than 1-3% chance of getting struck by lightning, winning the lottery and shagging Rita Ora in one night? I don't quite know how to respond to that, if so. That's blown my mind. The entire strategy is not overloading the NHS. Yes, all those things you mentioned cause people to be hospitalised. The difference is that it doesn't cause millions to be hospitalised AT THE SAME TIME with 30% needing the ICU. Surely you can see that?
Also the obvious fact that those things are still happening and these deaths/hospitalisations are on top of that. Unless they think Covid 19 is sentient and picks out the person who was going to fall down the stairs that exact day and waits until tomorrow to infect someone who was going to be in a car crash. Quite nice of it really.
So let’s go and kill everyone over 70? 60? I mean ... **** it! They’re gonna die anyway right? All those builders that have been laid off could build the gas chambers. There’ll be jobs bussing them in. It’s a win-win.