And my neighbour's seem to be having a gathering. Don't want to say party as it's not (as yet) that loud. But they certainly have some friends round for drinks. Is this sensible? Is it the intention of shutting the pubs?
whats the problem ? folk having fun, congregating in arcades constantly touching the same controls, in close proximity to each other,I mean what could possibly go wrong?
We need a complete lockdown for many weeks. It is scary we have equalled Italy for deaths in the first fortnight since the first. We should all be worried in the next week how much that rises compared to Italy in their own third week. I suspect the death toll to be grim enough to reach three figures as early as tomorrow.
Sadly there are a few problems: 1. people aren’t prepared to follow / do not understand basic instructions 2. The government don’t want to lock the country down because their overall strategy is to spike this quickly, allow the deaths to happen and get the economy back on track 3. We don’t have enough ventilators 4. We don’t have enough ppe. Nhs workers are being ask to work in a dangerous position All of the above is completely true which why I have been going on for weeks that this is a disaster. You need to be indoors NOW if you want to keep your family safe. If you do not follow the guidance you are putting yourself, your family, your nation and nhs workers at risk. We will be in a worse position than Italy in two weeks time.
I've thought from the beginning the government seem to be ok with it spreading to get it over with and just trying to look like that aren't doing that. Then I tell myself I'm just been silly but they really have allowed it to spread. Now a case can be made for this being inevitable anyway. And that the NHS will be overwhelmed no matter what we do.
can’t blame that particular act on the news media/ social media. Just self centred folk who don’t give a **** for others.
That case can’t be made; if 50,000 people need a ventilator, there’s more chance of their survival if they need one spread over 2 years than 3 months.
Every time I talk to colleagues who keep going out everywhere as if nothing is happening (one booked a large 50th birthday party at a restaurant 3 days ago despite advice to avoid mass gatherings and restaurants - at least it is cancelled now) they use the ‘we’re supposed to let 80% catch it for herd immunity’ argument. There’s been too many mixed messages and now I think people are either choosing the one they like the sound of as an excuse or they really are out of the loop and think they are genuinely doing the right thing.
Looked out of the windows this morning for several minutes. As I said before, our house is located on a ridge and we can see for miles in 3 directions and since it is Sunday and everything is closed there was not one vehicle moving in that time as only emergency services, Police and hospital workers should be travelling. Anyone else will be stopped and reported (the fine is 130 euros I believe). Until UK stops 'advising' and 'orders' containment then I fear people cannot be trusted to act sensibly. Even with mandatory strict lockdown, in the big cities there are a minority who consider themselves above the law and venture out. The difference here is they are quickly caught and reported. Repeat offenders risk prison sentences of up to 3 months. Parks, cemeteries beaches now closed, online mass is now commonplace on local community TV for those who are churchgoers. Even walking the dog is restricted to immediately outside your place of residence (walking backwards and forwards within sight of your place of residence and separation from other people must be strictly adhered to. The Italian Govt were hoping that the measures would have started to take effect but it is still rising fast although it is still not known how long the incubation period is and how long people are infectious so it could still be several more days. If numbers don't start to fall by then, then clearly, the situation is far more critical than we thought. Being rural, it is relatively easy to isolate as most comunes in the area are in single figures with a number (including ours) having no cases. Macerata province has 238 cases and no deaths which given the average age of the population and the fact the city of Macerata is the regional Capital is remarkable.
I agree with have had no clear constant message aside from wash your hands. Did you see the footage of people in shopping centres yesterday just all sat together on benches eating fast food? I really don't understand why all but non essential shops haven't been ordered to shut. I know a lot have taken it into their own hands and just closed. It's just the same as the pub fiasco. That's what makes me think the goal of the strategy is still to spread it.
I think that they will remain selfish when they are trying to access overstretched health services when they go down with the virus. The government are not telling us to practice social distancing without very good cause. Why do some people think that they are exempt? CRAZY PEOPLE.
some folk are just being thick though JD, just seen a caring message from somebody on Facebook about being sensible in trying times. All well and good but I know for a fact she took her kid to a pigging birthday party on Friday!
I bet they will be the first to complain if they have a serious problem, need to go to A&E and get turned away. Absolute selfish ********.
It just doesn’t surprise me how utterly selfish, stupid and lacking in community spirit so many people are. Folk are only continuing to act in the way they normally do. Boris, Brexit, British.
Sadly, it now needs temporary laws and emergency powers to force people to stop in, and fine them if they don't. Amazed at how stupid some people are including some from my circle of friends. Selfish, stupid and irresponsible.