They do but it still kills half a million a year worldwide and thousands in the UK. Why don't we lockdown to save those thousands as that is clearly much more effective than vaccinating them which clearly doesn't stop thousands of unnecessary deaths.
I would imagine him saying 12 weeks is about trying to manage expectations etc, I doubt given the reaction so far most people could cope with the idea of 12 months, so is arguably better to say 12 weeks and keep expanding gradually.
The answer to your question lies in the perceived mortality rates of those hospitalised with Flu vs. Covid19 - I think. That said, Flu has still killed almost 10x as many people so far this year globally.
Eh? Pandemics over history have showed how potentially catastrophic this could be. It’s incredibly contagious, and we are massively under prepared and aren’t even in a position to test effectively. Look at Italy. This is coming to us this week. Fit and healthy people are dying, and people are talking about letting it spread across the nation because it will only kill 500k in the UK and it’s like Flu. It would kill lots more people than anyone imagines and crush the NHS. It’s definitely not like flu.
Because the rates of infection and the death rate are massively different to flu. Let’s keep perspective: people die every day in cars so are you advocating we should all just drive as fast as possible and ignore road signs?
I am going to revisit it in 8 months when we are being told to isolate for a second or third time only weeks after coming out of our bolt holes to survey the destruction of our lives and what we once called the economy. Its novel at the moment and seems scary, so people will do as they are told. It won't last and attitudes to risk will change when people regain a sense of perspective. I am already having big problems trying to get my 75 year old mum to isolate. She thinks that a daily walk to Tesco doesn't count. Good luck with trying to keep people at home in isolation when we are bored of it and the weather gets warmer.
All I would say is that we really don't know anything yet. We're learning more every day. This being the latest pause for thought The key to me is test, establish who's had it, then reintegrate once you have had it. If at risk isolate and avoid until a vaccine is available. In the meantime also focus on finding a combination of drugs which reduce the symptoms, which will mean less people then need hospital treatment.
I agree mate, but without the self isolation or social distancing measures then you’d be talking catastrophic proportions of suffering. The numbers are beginning to double each day. If that’s left to continue then we all know what would happen.
At current rates, in the UK we are looking at 20,000 dead by Good Friday. By East Monday that is 30,000. By May Day it will have killed more people in this country that WW2 *in 4 months*, not seven years. Already, we have 2 nurses in intensive care and another one seriously ill. A 37-year old ex-professional footballer (Lee Duffy) was on oxygen for 8 days because he couldn't breathe. Locking down works. The sooner we do the same the better. Piers on GMB gave Matt Hancock a good roasting this morning. I would expect the decision to come no later than tomorrow.
Glad you know what's happening as the medical expert you are when Jenny Harries doesn't even know.......