Italians as many other people in Europe seem obsessed with masks in spite of WHO and all expert advice saying for most people they are pointless. Obviously if you are serving food, working in supermarkets , front line medical staff etc then they are there to protect other people to stop droplets from contaminating food then they are essential. The virus is not airborne and why people seem to think they need drive around wearing them I have no idea. If you maintain the safe distance from others then they are totally unneccessary... HOWEVER, the same people obsessed with masks rarely are seen with gloves. IMO if we maintain the recommended distance of 6ft then contact with recently contaminated surfaces becomes the main threat. Everyone should wear disposable plastic gloves when out and dispose of them then use gel or wash hands immediately afterwards
Definitely think gloves are better than masks. Shopping trolleys etc are going to be a far bigger spreader than say someone breathing normally outdoors with the odd cough. When you throw the lack of hand sanitiser into the mix too there is very little you can do to avoid it til you get home, by that time its potentially on your steering wheel, bags, door handles, face etc.
100% correct. The masks are pointless save for someone sneezing into your face. The biggest risk is people coughing into their hands, not washing and then using the same door handle you do, picking up the same box of cereal you do etc, etc
There’s a shortage of gloves though now. We can no longer go get em as we please at work. Getting harder to get hold of
I'm wearing a rubber glove on my right hand. I can open communal doors to my flat & key in my pin number in shops. I like it, it seems slightly perverted.
come on admit thats not the real reason you are wearing a glove on your RIGHT hand..... do you sit on it for 20 minutes as well.
A possible upside to wearing a mask is it might stop someone touching their face every ten seconds, which as it turns out, is how often I touch my face. I don't wear a mask though.