Plus people working in the energy industry, water supply, emergency plumbers and electricians, police, army, bin collection, pharmacies and medical goods retail and production, care home workers, home care providers, train and bus drivers, delivery drivers and so on
Think it’s left a few million of us scratching our heads to be fair. Most of us workers won’t be ‘key workers’, I’m not. But he stated that travelling to work was permitted. Surely I am not alone in wondering whether I am or am not working tomorrow. I understand what lockdown means, and I understand the need for it, but I did not find his wording clear enough.
I love the way he's asked people not to spread the disease but knocked off the choice of which train or bus to catch so everybody has to squeeze together.
I said I supported his decision last week but events over the last few days have shown that a small minority can't be trusted. Nowhere have I said that we don't need to go to this stage because its obvious that we do. For the avoidance of doubt I think he was right to not do this last week. I agree that it is now a necessary measure. Can I be any clearer? your company should have already informed you and your company that they are designated as key workers they were given notice and told last week last.
he was and I was arguing it should have come sooner . A numpty could have told him that people would ignore the advice be gave even journalists predicted this would happen , If it’s the right thing to do now it was the right thing before arguing after the horse had bolted and saying yes door should have been shut I didn’t think it would run is a Lame argument .
His point was that using force shouldn't have been necessary because adults should have been capable of following simple instructions. You appear to be blaming Boris (the guy with the key) for leaving his front door unlocked and having his TV stolen. Mario is blaming the burger who chose to come through the door and take it
Marlon I'm as Labour as they come, but if you genuinely believe another party would have handled this any better you are bonkers. It is a lose lose situation and it is not an easy decision to make. It is easy to pick fault in hindsight and when we're not in that position, sat at home. Now isn't the time for political point scoring in my opinion. We have to be good to each other.
Absolutely right. People should have followed the advice and this wouldn’t have been necessary. Let’s be clear - I’ve advocated for stricter measures like what’s been announced tonight for a while now, but nobody wants this to happen. Nobody wants to be locked in their houses for the next 6 months, but it’s necessary to keep the NHS under capacity
I, e spent half an hour trying to fathom out wether I am working or not. Think I am unless my company says we are not.Ridiculous when folk are dying.
Force shouldn’t be necessary but how naive is a prime minister to think everyone would take the advice A simpleton could have told him that . I take no comfort in that a prime minister has trusted the public and even though the vast majority have taken it on board he has put my parents lives at more risk when he could have done what he’s done tonight earlier . Other countries have been his hindsight defending Boris for being naive when he’s leader and had hindsight . The buck stops there .
We’re not key workers, we know that. But even our Chief Exec, in a company that employs several thousand, cannot give us clarity based on that statement. We are in lockdown. But travel to work is permitted. No mention of key workers only.
I’m not affected but am still confused. Let’s say you work in a bookstore who have already gone internet sales only. You can only ship books if you go to the store and address and pack them. Do you go in to work because you can’t work from home. Or do you not work because it’s not essential work? Still not sure about things like garages if a key workers car breaks down can they get it fixed.
If he would have locked the country down weeks ago with force he would have got hammered, I told my elderly grandma weeks ago not to go out and follow advice she has listened its **** for her aswell very lonely but has to be done. I'm not a big boris fan I didnt vote for him but I'm finding it hard to criticise. My only criticism would be the going to work message tonight was abit up in the air.
I’m not political point scoring , he’s had hindsight China , Italy was his hindsight , it’s not an easy decision to make but he’s there to make it . Journalists have been asking him why he hasn’t taken advice from other countries and if you really believe nothing more could have been done when scientists and doctors have been screaming at him to force lock down then I’m seeing things . This should have been done all at once I’ll say again what was the point in closing workplaces , pubs etc then not doing anything to stop congregating? He had hindsight if all this and didn’t act . Even Jeremy Hunt has spoken out about it . I suppose that’s political point scoring . This prime minister hasn’t done enough he’s criticised by oppposition, his own party , scientists and doctors and it will come out .