... this virus outbreak has highlighted the demarcation line for me. It is not about rich and poor, Brexiteers or Remainers. The divide is between those who take responsibilty for their actions and the consequences of their actions when it comes to impacting their own lives, their families and friends and people at large and those who abdicate responsibilty and blame everyone else or expect 'someone else' to do everything for them.i.e. Governments, businesses,'Uncle Tom Cobley and all' for all their personal misfortunes and the general state of society. There are plenty of examples of both 'sides' on this website. I am not advocating a society of total self reliance that seems to be the USA democrats party's 'wet dream' where Health services are run for profit Wel,fare is minimal and excludes a sizeable proprtion of the population. However I am tired of some of the posters on here mainly the staunch socialists still fighting the class war who choose to blame Government actions (and perceived inactions) for everything. One poster even compares the latest measures to a hypothetical scenario involving state persecution of homosexuals during the AIDS epidemic!! IF people took responsibility for their own actions Governments would not have to take such drastic measures. No doubt the little clique on here will come on defending each other as they always do but frankly I no longer give a sh*t. It is no coincidence that, whilst there are a few exceptions, the majority who are most vocal when it comes to supporting Labour and Corbyn's outdated concepts and form part of the 'blame everyone else', block, still reside in the South Yorkshire 'bubble' whilst with a very small number of exceptions those who post from other parts of the country and further afield seem to be more self reliant, responsible, more broad minded and generally successful.
I agree with you 100% and I must say it's quite rare on this website for someone to speak commonsense. Just get ready for the backlash from the narrow minded individuals when they read this.
Well I think I’ve been relatively successful (even though I’ve always lived in Barnsley). My take is that, as always, most of the selfishness and irresponsible behaviour we are seeing can be linked to Thatcher and her ideology, based upon her assertion that ‘there’s no such thing as society, only individuals and families’. Thankfully, even she could not completely destroy the institutions we are now relying on.
Do you not live in Yorkshire any more then? You literally never mention it. Neither do I, by the way, for what it’s worth (I just don’t feel the need to write it in literally every single post that I make). And interestingly, the concerns I raised around loss of liberty and state control are far more aligned with small ‘c’ conservatives (see Peter Hitchens on this subject if you want some further reading) than they are the socialist movement, who are advocates of a more and more interventionist government the further and further left you get, so I think your ire is misplaced.
As usual in the absence of the ability to counter a proposal in debate with a sensible rebuttal you choose to make a personal comment. So I will come down to your level....Where does my post imply that 'I'm alright Jack'? In fact the whole premise of the OP is people's actions should take into account the impact they have on other people's lives as well as their own. Clearly reading and understanding is beyond your capabilites.
Eyup Silvio - I’ve given you a proper response further up the page explaining how my concerns aren’t a socialist thing in case you’ve missed it - you’ve just chosen not to engage.
To a certain extent I would agree re Thatcher. However I am not sure her influence spread much beyond the UK's shores so her ideology does not account for the same selfishness, greed and irresponsible behaviour that is demonstrated in Europe and many other parts of the World ..for example, ....China, India, US etc.
Can't we get this utter bilge off here? What is it with you people who just want to argue all the time? It's tedious, childish, infantile, annoying and contributes absolutely nothing. We've all got our views, we're not going to change them and we're not going to change anyone else's. At a time like this, we should use this site to entertain each other, support each other, share information, make each other laugh, keep each other occupied, pass the time until this mess is over. We should all be on the same side. Grow up and stop the tedious, nauseating arguments. Best wishes everyone.
Sorry Dad. For what it’s worth my view is - if other people are anything like me they come on here to blow off a bit of steam at a confusing and upsetting time. There’s no ref or linesman to shout at now, so the alternative might be having an argument with the missus/husband or being short with the kids. I actually sent someone a PM this morning to apologise for being a bit juvenile last night like. You’re right though, we should all think about being a bit kinder (and I do still try and put daft stuff up, like the ‘Jizz’ post the other day) Having said all that - as you well know this has long been a forum for far more than football - and if people feel passionately about stuff on here they’ve long been able to debate it. Is that fair enough? Matt
It is fair enough my son It's the repetition of it that boils my spleen. Just when I think an argument has died down, someone posts some drivel that is obviously calculated to provoke a response. As you say, that's how the BBS has worked for years, and Brexit was a nightmare for it. You're very good at posting boll0x and making people laugh, why not stick to that? I'll try to too. Know any good squirrel recipes?
I apologise to everyone for my part in this. I try and stick to posting facts and statistics, but I get dragged in to arguments. Will try harder.
My neighbour, is a succesful guy (money wise) he considers his work essential. He has a small business building industrial garage doors. He told me the govt. has handed out mixed messages and he could not afford to not work....there would be no hand outs for him (self employed) or his family (he has 2 small children). His mum and dad constantly come to pick up their kids, there a few people like this i know of. Is it mixed messages?.....or does the morale issue lose its importance when compared to money? There many people out there, who believe (due to money alone) that they work in essential jobs. The government have a very difficult job, rules are changing by the hour. I would argue the very infrastructure of our country as well as our attitudes are being tested to the full. Good luck eveyone, lets all do our bit and hopefully we will get back to normality sooner rather than later.
How are taking responsibility for your own actions and welfare incompatible with a caring society that emphasises social welfare?
The Democratic Party opposed to 'social' healthcare? I'll think you'll find that it's the Republican Party who fought tooth and nail against Obama's Medicare scheme but hey don't let facts get in the way of your rant against the Labour Party and those whose political beliefs are to the left of yours.