I was with you until the hot drink thing. That myth has been debunked numerous times. I doubt that has been sent to NHS staff.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...gQIChAB&usg=AOvVaw0Hqsa8MdGZjASdm654VvqA&cf=1 ...and loads of other sources, if you Google "coronavirus hold breath".
Sorry then guys... it came from a decent source too. Im not trying to muddle everyone, myself included.
Please delete it before someone else copies and pastes it. It's spreading quicker than the virus itself!
my mate sent me this, I said is this true, he was not happy I questioned it, sent it to all my family and its fake, what a sad world this now is, a disaster on this scale and stuff like this is being put out there