Not helpful... parliment for once pulling together and having failed to win seats or confidence of his party. Comes out with 'I told ya so' what a prat.
Because he did. He did and he campaigned on the back of it and the media derided him for it and tried it's best to rip him to shreds and the gullible idiotic public ate up. Hes absolutely right to point out that these slurs against him were wrong
Yes he is wrong. Purely because the money now being spent was never part of a plan and certainly not in the way he wanted it to be spent. In terms of if we can afford it only time will tell over the coming years.
Probably because the illegal, biased political journalist Laura Cúntsberg asked him the question. She knows it's not the right time so she's seized on it. I wouldn't be surprised to find it announced that shes caught covid-19 from Boris's cóck next week.
He was always correct in my opinion. Current circumstances have completely transformed the debate however such that if we were still in 'normal' times he would still be derided and vilified as he was as party leader. Hopefully in the long term the current crisis and need for state involvement will provide a real boost to the proper funding of important structures such as the NHS.. We shall see.
Of course he’s right. He always was. That’s why they were so scared of him. Its actually quite funny that so far (even before COVID-19) we’ve seen this Tory government lean so far left it’s quite amazing. All the tories were scared of socialism but they seem to have voted for it! This Tory government are more left than tony Blair was!
If I may say so that’s funny . I laughed out loud at that . I don’t know if I should have posted that though as I’ll be regarded as the devil incarnate now