I wonder what the wildlife make of all this, will they know something is wrong, can't help wondering. Also will it be good for the wildlife or bad.
I think my dog has noticed that something has changed. I normally walk him three times per day and now he's being walked less by me and more by some who haven't walked him for years.
Bit worried about whether anyone is seeing to the RSPB reserve feeders. @Young Nudger might know. I'm guessing so but at least we're out of the crap weather so will be fine. My cat is definitely altering her routine whilst i'm home. She's out during the day now instead of sleeping and next to me on a night. She's clearly had enough of me already, who can blame her
be good for wildlife in China, government banned wet markets,good god some of the things being eaten, god forbid, slaughtered there and then for customer to take home, dogs cats, peacocks, deer, you name it and we end up with all this mess, lets hope its true and not just a lie by chinese government to appease the west
Definately more road kill animals about, noticed it the last two days on my cycle rides, wonder if they are getting used to quieter roads and changing their run patterns
Dog walker now does not come, all of a sudden. Can't. Rules forbid. Dog seems happy about this - he is aged 11. Pooh appearing in back garden...
The birds in our garden will notice soon as we are running out of bird food.....ordered 2 sacks last week and still not arrived and don't know when they will. I think the warden lives on site so sure they will be ok....will send my birds down there
feel for all those greyhounds stuck in their kennels, whilst dog racing stopped, now ive experienced lock in, really think greyhound racing should be banned, stuck inside for 23 hours a day, only one hours exercise a day
I saw tonnes on my way up towards Midgley roundabout from Wakey to pick my daughter up. Never thought why but makes sense.
Hopefully they won’t be seeing the inside of disgusting Asian wet markets again . Disgusting this has been allowed to go on .
Well, Coyotes are now wandering around the deserted streets of San Francisco. They've been known to snatch small dogs and cats.
It's utterly abhorrent how they trade and treat animals in those wet markets and their trade in endangered species as well. If this doesn't force change then I fear nothing will - not that a virus on this scale should have been needed to change attitudes and behaviours.
Tigger's breathing a bit heavily. I think he might have eaten Rabbit. He's obviously flouted the 2 metre rule. He's on lockdown Society is disintegrating.