If him and his mates have actually got it I'll 8 Mi owe pit cap. Pillocking us gullible northerners again. As I said, just a thought
The thought has crossed my mind too. Announcing that people such as Boris and Prince Charles have got it, might be a shock tactic to focus minds.
Haha I don't doubt it mate! Let's not forget that vast swathes of the north voted this buffoon in though, I don't think the north is being taken for a ride at all, if anything most of the country is complicit in voting in these clowns. Bristol, where I live, voted overwhelmingly for Labour (I know Barnsley Central also voted labour too), but let's not pretend that in this case Northerners are being taken for fools, because they voted him in.
Its a big risk to take if he hasnt got it. Will take some explaining if he later gets it and gets poorly from it. Can't see them taking that risk if im honest.
Don't get me wrong because I'm not one of Boris Johnson's biggest fans, but I honestly doubt that he dare say he had symptoms unless it was true. As well as him, Matt Hancock and another Tory MP have also shown mild symptoms, mainly due to the fact that they all came into contact with fellow Minister Nadine Dorries, who has now been declared clear. It might not be beyond the realms of possibility, that in the coming days, other leading Tory MP's could well declare that they have had to self isolate, because they too are showing signs of having contracted the virus.
Perhaps the top guys having the bug might motivate the great unwashed to believe that this might actually be serious !
After all the lies he’s told over the past few years, if he said it was morning, I’d have to get up to see for myself!!
Why is it ? he probably does have it but as I stated yesterday, PR is a very powerful tool & they're not afraid to use it, remember the start of desert storm?
So if he hasn't really got it now, but then gets it for real in 3 weeks, are they going to say he was the first person to get it twice? It is a load of b0llocks.