There’s a link to download the GoodSAM app, then you turn your availability on. But it refers you back to your original registration acceptance to read the ins and outs, which I am just about to do. I have time on my hands and use of a company car, but don’t yet know how to point out what use I can be. Will post further as I learn unless anyone else is further into the process who can advise.
They might put you on health lockdown duties, driving round town with a Tannoy on the roof of ya car. Phoenix Nights style '' Get back inside ya ******** I'll break ya legs''
Right I've been accepted . Downloaded the app but I've not got a clue what to do . Might become a little easier to work out when jobs start feeding through.....
It’s all a bit odd really. I volunteered as I have a car, time on my hands and like to think of myself as a generally decent person. I thought I would be perhaps dropping prescriptions/medication off, that kind of thing, but at no point have I been asked to submit what I can offer. And whilst ‘on duty’ I clicked on the practise run, and it proposed to send me to a heart attack victim a couple of miles away. I am not medically trained, I just want to help out with my basic skill set. I half expected an email whereby you can submit what you have to offer, but all it asks is ‘do you own a defibrillator’. And, bizarrely, I don’t happen to have one of those kicking about.
It is a little confusing . I think the defribulator bit is because that's why goodsam was set up in the first place . I have run a simulation ( turned off the siren because it's annoying as hell ) , it was only 50 metres up the road . When I got there it gave me the option of clicking " with patient " then notes came up which were blank . That's about as far as I am with it . The app on my phone still has a red dot next to it indicating that there's an outstanding message but ill be damned if I can find it .