6.65 million people filed for unemployment in the USA in one week. 3.35m the week before making 10m in two weeks.
What makes this worse is that most Americans I know live paycheck to paycheck and many live out of their means. This will cripple a lot of families.
It's weird that these millions of poorly paid people with poor health care cover are supposed to have months worth of savings for emergencies, yet billion dollar companies are so poorly managed that they're begging for government handouts within a week or two of being balls to the wall. Meanwhile the US Government has gone full on Communist handing out $2 trillion in an attempt to stem the bleeding. I suspect they might need more than that.
And they will receive welfare for 3 months only in most states and that's only if they have been in full-time employment for quite a while previously. That's the 'american dream' for you.
To quote George Carlin, "You know why they call it the American Dream? Because you've got to be asleep to believe in it".
For context that's 5% of the US working population being made unemployed in two weeks. If those numbers were mirrored here in the UK, that would be 1.8m unemployed in 14 days.
Oh that doesnt include the money that the Pentagon has (ahem) mislaid or cant account for thought to be a minimum of $6.5 trillion or $21 trillion depending on whos checking the accounts....the former number is obviously the conservative estimate.
Can we have an equivalent thread on China too please? The country that bestowed this crisis on us. We could have a chuckle at its human rights and its rape of Africa too, for starters. Then we could spend a few hours comparing the respective pros and cons between these two super powers. Then come to a conclusion about which we ought to be criticising the most.
Hancock has just wiped £13bn of historic debt from the NHS. Context, NHS budget is circa £120bn per year.
Irrespective of your political views, its China at fault, and should be brought to account, it should be called the China Virus, anybody and everybody wi a brain knows where it came from. The Chinese communist party is responsible and even locked people up and put people on house arrest to cover it up. R remember last year watching an Idiot Abroad, he was in China, and Idiot or not said then, it was a disaster waiting to happen. Wear a mask where possible, keep ya distance and stay safe.
I think we and America and other western countries have "raped" Africa over the centuries so are in no position to throw stones.