Its like shopping, 6 feet apart to get into shop 6 feet at till and one big free for all in between darn the aisles where most must be wearing blinkers. P.S nice to see all the profiteering going on at these stores B@ST@RDS.
What I didn't like about it was that it was a threat. Punishing the whole class for the sins of the few. As a retired schoolteacher I know how kids hate that and it's unfair. Punish the culprits not the innocent who are doing what they are suppose to be
He then went on to say. It would be Awful for those without their own garden. Which I took to mean he was thinking more in the communal aspect. Flats etc who will be on more of a lockdown. The article or the statement he put out on tv didn't make it blatantly clear. The only time I venture out is for work or provisions. Been for a walk with the missus twice. Very secluded walk round the back of the village. Could use the heritage trail bottom of my street but would think it's a popular walk still. If it comes in more stringent. Will have to spend more time in the back garden. Unfortunately lots don't have that option. Stay safe.
Dying from the virus would be a much bigger loss to your personal liberty though wouldn't it. But I agree they shouldnt punish everybody just those breaking the rules fit the morons with tags and make them stay in 24/7
Get ready for... Increases in domestic violence. Increases in mental health issues. Increases in localised civil disorder Increases in civil disorder when one community is locked down and they see another community carrying on as normal.. Increases in divorce rates. Increases in physical health issues. Longer shopping trips Increase in animal neglect
The thing is that those observing the rules will be further punished, those currently flouting will still carry on regardless
Agree David. But impossible to police. If we see the culprits then we as the public need to point out the errors of their ways. But don't forget it's not always as seems. Perhaps if families that live in the same house for example social distanced when going for exercise instead of making it possible for close contact with others. On the way round on our last walk it was more than likely we'd have come into close contact with a man walking the other way. There was an opening where we managed to stand until he went by.
Get ready for more deaths. We can't cure all the ills of society. Some valid issues but what do you suggest.
That and the fact that as you rightly say, he seems to think it is some sort of schoolmaster/unruly pupil relationship as opposed to electorate/temporarily elected public servant ie it’s Britain 2020 not East Germany 1973.
The lockdown was needed earlier. We re lucky in Barnsley but if you live in a flat in a city centre like Birmingham or London you need the parks for exercise , you need to take advantage of vitamin d from sunshine. Police need to move the barbecuers and social groups on though.
If we had gone into lockdown earlier it wouldn't have given the virus time to spread. Now that would have been a double edged sword, it would have saved some lives no doubt, but left us completely stuck in lockdown.
When schools were open, ministers were sitting next to each other the spread was happening. I think some people are slower to process the current situation than others,
Long term I suspect it’ll have a greater strain on the NHS than this pandemic with long term mental and physical health issues. More strain on the NHS.......
I don't know what he is on about. A few here and there flouting rules are to be expected. Just needs policing. The exercise thing is a safety valve that makes the lockdown easier to handle and maintain for a longer period.
Honestly some common sense. I’ve seen multiple photos of parks, mostly in London but they’ve hardly been ‘rammed’. I’d be cracking down as already stated those who are making a ‘day out’ of it and having the BBQ and non family gatherings. If it’s a family together following guidelines and having a picnic while out bike riding or walking away from their cramped flat then leave them be.