Latest news: David Icke is of sound mind, the Earth is flat, the moon landings were faked at Grimey muck stack, 5G masts killed my hamster, etc, etc...
May i ask what is conspiratorial about this ABC announced the arrest of a man in tbe USA for allegedly selling the covid 19 virus to China? From here it has escaped and we are now in the situation we are in. No foil tin hat accusations, no rubbish about 5g, no aliens on my back garden. Just reports that this guy has "sold out".
Oh god....ABC are reporting false news ....
That says he's been charged with lying about work he did, not that he released the Corona Virus. The 'boll0x' story needs a seed to hang on, that's how the become 'believable'.
So i guess that fact trumps (pardon the pun!) ABC news, with their report....oh well hes definately not a good guy.
I think a reputable news network is a perfectly valid source. If the news article in any way backed up your claims that he had been arrested recently for selling COVID19 to the Chinese government, you'd be home and hosed on this one. As it doesn't, I'm going with fact check.
He's been accused and arrested - we'll wait for the court to decide whether he's guilty. But unless you have a reputable source that confirms he's been arrested in connection that he spread the virus, you're going to just have to admit your OP is nonsense. Hopefully the takeaway is that you'll fact-check in future and then your world will be a better place.
No it doesnt they both say basically the same thing - yes he was working with the Chinese and hiding the fact and so was arrested No mention at all of Corvid-19 being involved - and in any case why would it virus research is not his area of expertise.
Apparently there was a thread in Dec from sum Chinese Doctor that said the virus actually escaped from a Lab in the area, he has since died and all threads posted by him since Nov av vanished.
Un ******* believable. We have a swear filter on here, can we please have a bulls*** theory filter. It really is becoming a joke on here. Can we please leave Facebook for the insanity.
No it’s John shuttleworths daughter in “can’t go back to savoury now” One of my favourite songs “ that shepherds pie was stunning but I’m halfway through my pudding”
I just had a quick read about Dr Francis Boyle and his claims about it being an accidental leak from a biological lab in Wuhan. Unusually for a 'conspiracy theory' his credentials are pretty top draw. That doesn't mean that he's right of course, but it's hard to dismiss a man who amongst other things drafted, as an out and out crank...