Strangely this is shoved away into the Business section on the BBC website, behind other important stories about keeping cats indoors during the virus. So they originally assessed 10% going on it; now the estimate is 3-4 times the cost, which presumably means more like 30-40% of workforce would be involved, at a cost of £30-£40bn for the three months of the scheme. But of course then there’s a choice to make; we all know that the current policy has no exit strategy, so at that point we either spend further huge sums at the taxpayers expense, or we bite the bullet, and somewhere in the region of 10million people get a ticket to the dance. The redun dance.
Thing is, people haven’t realised that even the key industry at the moment ... food is starting to slow down. People are not buying as much now the panic buying period has finished and there’s supermarket waste everywhere. This means in turn eventually the orders to suppliers will reduce, which will lead to closures, jobs losses etc...
Very few industries will not be directly, or indirectly be affected for the worse, other the big pharmaceutical companies, supermarkets & delivery firms. Most others will have some level of impact from devastating to small downturn. This is going to go on in some shape or form for another year at least.
Tesco have announced a £925m profit warning today. Which much be difficult when you are the only thing that people can actually do now.
I think this is more to do with it misstating profits in earlier quarters. As the supermarkets have said the empty shelves were not supply chain issues, surely the panic buying & (by some stores), inflated prices in recent weeks mean it would be a good time to invest. Not that I will be doing. I'm trying to survive on a fiver a day & spend most of my money at my local greengrocers & other "local shops" (for local people, obviously). I'm quite enjoying the challenge of making stuff on a budget TBH & the lack of ale must be doing me some good.
Quality of life literally halted for vast majority of the country. Years taken off lifes Record unemployment
I aint looking forrard to receiving the bill for all this, dunt think that letter will go to everyone.
I lost a business and all my life savings ten years ago during the last crash, can’t go through that again.
Millions will lose everything. Homelessness will go through the roof. And I sincerely hope that all the couple's locked up together are keeping apart because for many their inevitable offspring as a result of this will have no quality of life Sad but true.
I hope so, I quite some of the stuff I’ve been getting from Marks, however I wouldn’t pay full price for it. Cheaper to make it myself.
The virus will cause a total financial realignment globally. Japan now in lockdown Africa just feeling it's affects. This could be used as a good thing, however I'm sure the financial and political elites will use it to enslave us further. All in the name of progress and national security. When this mess is eventually sorted out, the health care workers, and all those who've helped the relief effort will be forgotten in the name of profit. We'll be back to MPs cheering bailouts and refusing pay rises for those deserving and in need. Let's not forget some individuals are making money from this crisis, Rees-Mogg's firm apparently being one. Follow the money.
I continue to believe the economic fall out will be the catalyst for the change in policy from suppression of the virus to mitigation. It won't be a overnight shift in policy but a gradual slide. Because if the current approach is continued long term we won't be looking at a recession we will be looking at something akin to a depression. Imagine that all nine of the billionaires making money out of the top 100 richest all come from the country this mess started in.
I'm sure they are and they'll have invited their mates in on it. Geo-politics, religion don't matter when it comes to cash. Money and influence creates some strange bed fellows. The media will tell you certain nationalities / government's don't trust each other, but they'll be joined at the hip for private ventures (usually wars and energy).
For those advocating opening the country again. The follow news reports might present a little problem: 1). Chinese study finds low levels of antibodies present in survivors 2). South Korea finds 51 test positive after recovery. *If* those are correct, there is no limited immunity available after infection. Even those who recover can be infected again, and anyone with lung damage from the first infection is at increased risk of dying.
So how long do you want to put people under house arrest? How many people do you want to be made homeless? Also considering that this pandemic is new and most cases are within a month and considering we know the tests are faulty. Its far more likely that these people were never clear in the first place than that this virus defies general medical sciences