Point was it was there to mainly allow countries to trade more easily and collectively have more bargaining power. Every country still had majority of control of things that affected their own country. Things such as health for example
Lost cause I'm afraid! Only Tory in the village - son stood as a councillor- don't think he got his deposit back
I’m pissed off that we didn’t expel all those EU workers immediately in January, particularly the ones who work in the NHS , there would have been more sub standard PPE to go round
Seeing as they are offering £50 billion to British businesses even though we have left (still under the rules though) I think the benefits are there to see. Whether the government accept the help is another thing (didn't accept help after the floods that was on offer). https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...rella-scheme-to-support-economy-idUSKBN21O0SX "BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Monday it had approved a 50 billion pound ($61.5 billion) British “umbrella” scheme to support companies affected by coronavirus outbreak. The approval is in line with modified EU rules allowing a temporary and limited amount of aid to businesses facing a sudden shortage of liquidity. The British aid would take the form of grants, equity injections, tax advantages and loans. Britain left the European Union at the end of January, but continues to be subject to EU rules for a transition period set to last until the end of 2020. With the coronavirus lockdown ravaging European economies, the bloc has stepped up calls for London to extend that time to allow the sides to agree on a new trade partnership after talks came to a virtual halt as capitals switched focus to fighting the pandemic.($1 = 0.8135 pounds) British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has previously repeatedly ruled out such a possibility, was in hospital in London for tests on Monday suffering persistent coronavirus symptoms."
We were entitled to the ventilators under the existing agreement anyway apparently but fked up the request
And then they lied about it.....didn't see the email even though Hancock had said they had the offer on QT the week before.
I am a strong remainer, but I think the EU has not got the response right. They could/should have coordinated a controlled shutdown of the external borders and helped to co-ordinate a combined response to both stop the spread and help to deal with the economic problems instead of allowing different governments to go off in different directions. However, the speed that the situation escalated took many people by surprise - particularly the British government. Perhaps after this they need to have plans in place for a strategic response for the next pandemic (and it is only a matter of time).
The members of the EU are sovereign states and can’t be told what to do by the EU or anyone else. Despite what the right wing press might say
Of course we have control. That's why you have to show your passport upon entering the UK from anywhere except the Irish Republic. Unlike in the rest of the EU, where there is no border control whatsoever. It's like crossing between England and Wales. Also, for non-EU citizens, we have literally the harshest immigration system in the world. The most expensive tourist visas and the most draconian and arbitrary rules for settlement, even for family members of British citizens.
Unless you are a Russian Oligarch that donates £ sterling to the Torys then you can buy one of them mansions in London and leave it empty.
So the answer to the OP, is it is irrelevant as we had the option of access to the ventilators and are benefitting from the grant scheme and each country is dealing with the situation with their own choices.