My mate is an Accountant at the NHS and he would 100% agree he shouldn’t get priority and out of principal wouldn’t do it either. However there are many non medical staff in NHS like my daughter who is an admin person, she has been put on standby to help out with cleaning duties etc on wards if and when needed, holidays have been cancelled and they have also been told to prepare for 7 day weeks, so whilst she currently doesn’t need the priority (and hopefully never will), surely if the above happens she should.
And if they are working 8 til 8? Regardless of whether its office based or not? Not quite black and white is it? However, there are a lot of dead weight jobs round the back offices that shouldnt get any greater priority than you or me.
What you on about? You do know that l worked in that area of the NHS for ten years? My ex colleagues are working from home - like other key workers like myself but for some reason can turn up at nominated hours at supermarkets to shop where we need to queue hours like everyone else. Should be frontline only.
You do realise my ex is NHS senior management. Actual senior management. Not payroll. The entire CCG and hospital SMT are towing their ******** off at the moment getting processes finances forecasts care plans etc worked out and in place.
If shes working 7 day weeks, no holidays doing a job outside her job description to keep our hospitals running then 100% she should get priority regarding shopping. Dont be so selfish!
Working in finance and doing 7 day weeks she wants to be looking at Waitrose and Blacker hall farm deliveries
Problem is where do you draw the line. i don't think people understand how many people are still working. there's the food chain growing .picking, sorting, driving to and from ,delivering,factory's the people working in those factory's, wholesalers there's a massive chain. all of those jobs need support mechanics ,exhaust shops, tyre fitters petrol ,diesel ,food ,water. it goes on and on. gas ,electric , water ,steel etc the list is endless and on all the country's infrastructure and the chains supporting them i dont think it would be fair to say this part of NHS can shop and this part can't as though one is more important. one part supports the other parts or it breaks. incidentally it's NHS ,private hospital staff and social care workers if your wife is a care worker she will be fine. if your shopping for your family i would take your wife's badge or maybe a letter with it saying your shopping for her/your family, the supermarkets are not as bad as they were i drop my wife off and usally pop in for a few bits and its calmed down alot. there seems plenty of most things. and because of that there changing opening hours again. Morrisons where wife works is going back to 7am start 6am/7am NHS hour nobody has to use that time if they don't want to or feel its not right to as the shop is technically not open till 7am anyhows.
To the posties in the thread... cheers you are doing a grand job, And why do none of you own a pair of trousers?
I get your point pal but you cant be p1ssed off at everyone, we're not all bad or **** heads Beer non essential? You and the missus deserve 1 or 3 beers. If you want me to get you some, PM me, al suwert thi art.
I have had a few postal deliveries lately of things I ordered a while ago but had to wait until they came back in stock. The big envelopes being delivered probably looks bad but I haven't ordered anything since lockdown.
The Mavis you are referring to represent 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of nhs staff. Mavis doesn't work shifts either. Mavis works monday-friday 9-5 with a great deal of flexibility. Mavis has an important role to play but Mavis has much more opportunity to shop or whatever than shift-based front-line ward staff.
They work monday-friday 9-5. Our hospital car park is half empty on a weekend and after 5 in the week.
Mavis would be at least a band 7 if she was in a position to be doing this right now. That's at least 2 bands higher than the majority of staff working with corona patients.