They can not put any money into the club, then, if they're so against it. Don't buy a season ticket. Don't buy a shirt which looks like a stick of fvcking rock. As they've furloughed their staff, though, everyone else has to pick up the tab.
I assume they're trying to find a solution that doesn't result in all their players being able to leave for nothing, before having to resort to furlough.
I think any club should be deducted 3 points per member of staff furloughed or fully laid off, the ******* parasites
Not sure how the law would see it, but a player signs a contract for x amount per month whether he plays or not, so shouldn't they still get paid?
This is just a couple of articles but there are literally thousands. Tried to stay away from the sensationalist stuff in the Mail and the Express.
As I read it mate. The government pay the first £2,500 then the clubs top the wages to 100%, A wage cut can only be agreed by the employee. My tack changed re pay cuts in this instance having read the pro’s and cons. Make the owners pay the wages then put another tax threshold in. Eg Above £300,000 per annum tax at a rate of 90% for ALL paye employees then it’s just not footballers who are contributing to the situation. Then bring in a maximum wage when it’s all over. The Messi’s and Ronaldo’s of this world do not need wages, their income from other avenues far exceeds per month, that what would take me a lifetime and beyond to earn.
yeah it definitely is. Though potentially it could cause problems in south east Asia / India but that’s a long way off.
Morning Jay, there’s absolutely nothing to suggest that food is going to be in short supply in the UK. My mate is an engineer and works for Arla in Leeds and they are producing more milk and dairy than ever before. One of my neighbours is a Director for McCain and they too are continuing to produce products on a large scale. My Mrs is a senior manager for Diageo and they are still producing beverages and are also changing manufacturing to provide hand sanitizer. My Cousins provide engineering support to meat factories around the UK and have never been busier. I can promise you that there’s no chance at this point of food shortages.
Hi mate I don't share your confidence. The UN are warning of food shortages across the globe for a variety of reason. And while the UK is less susceptible (although we don't yet have enough people to pick our crops to this than say Arab countries for instance, who import the majority of their food, we're not self sufficient by any means. In winter we rely heavily on imports for fresh produce. We've only just started spring, but if people are talking about lockdowns until a vaccine can be distributed... There is another problem that is exclusive to the UK. Brexit is finalised in December. Growing crops for winter harvest begins months in advance. Without already established trade deals, producers for the UK market have cut back hugely on what they're growing as they simply don't have the confidence that they have a market to sell to. A warehouse full of unsold produce would bankrupt them. This is without Covid-19. Trade deals are not yet established. If we are successful with those there's the disruption to transport and farming from Covid-19. Food prices will be going up. The longer the lockdown persists, the more people will lose their jobs and the less money they will have.
It’s a strange position. Taken as a business, I’d be happy for the entire staff at BFC, players included, to be furloughed. We don’t pay mega wages anyway and as the squad is young, they won’t have significant savings or investments to fall back on. It protects the future of OUR club. When it comes to the players such as Ozil, Rooney, Pogba etc, then whilst technically they should be offered the same, I’d suggest they have the ability to self-fund their personal lives a little longer without wages. As for playing behind closed doors and lack of revenue - I’d suggest even if the gates were open, attendances will be severely impacted. I wouldn’t go. And the majority of the West Stand (older folk) probably wouldn’t be allowed anyway. As for away supporters, that’d be banned so as to not spread between towns. Look at the Atalanta game for that.....
It’s a good idea, trouble is you’ll end up with more scenarios like where Tom Ince mum gets paid a fortune as a cleaner(even though she doesn’t clean). They currently do this to help towards FFP.
Some areas are worse than others yes. Sheffield’s quite bad currently. There will be small villages etc without cases, but generally it’s widespread.
Agree mate. But would be difficult to justify. And HMIR would be watching for outlandish tax relief claims. If found out. Fine em to the hilt. Too many getting away with it now. Not meaning just footballers. Put em away when proven. We're all in this together my arse.. Richard Branson on his private island etc. More chance of catching a computer virus than the Covid 19 one.
I promise you there is a very real possibility. McCain may be producing but McCain whilst having a relatively big market share are only around a 40% of the chips in the UK. The majority of UK frozen chips are made in the Netherlands Nearly all tv money on one salary.
are Barnsley OK ... we seem to think we are being financially being run well... but I guess this situation could reveal all.