1. Excluding Australia and Antarctica, which continent has the least number of independent nations? 2. The African kingdom of eSwatini was previously known by what name? 3. The tympanic membrane is found in which part of the body? 4. Which American-British literary great wrote, “April is the cruellest month”? 5. Which was finished first, the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal? 6. Henry VIII of England had how many wives? 7. Which animal is Australia’s largest land-based predator? 8. In what year was the last execution by guillotine in France: 1897, 1927 or 1977? 9. The name of which disease comes from the Italian for “bad air”? 10. Looking into the eyes of which Greek mythological figure would turn a person into stone? 11. Which Australian has won four Oscars? 12. Atatürk Stadium, venue for the 2020 Champions League Final, is in which city? 13. Starting with “C”, what is both a type of cotton cloth and the colour of a cat’s coat? 14. Killer whales are the largest members of which family? 15. What type of adjectives are highest, biggest, longest? 16. D’Entrecasteaux Channel is located between Tasmania’s south-east coast and which island? 17. What process makes chocolate glossy and snappable? 18. In The Simpsons’ 27th season finale, why was Marge sent to prison? 19. Which annual 24-hour sports car race is named after a French town? 20. Sherlock Holmes resides at what number in Baker Street? 21. In cybercrime, what does DoS stand for in DoS attack? 22. Who played the original Batman in the 1960s TV series? 23. Prosopagnosia is the inability to do what? 24. Artist Joy Hester was part of which 1940s artists’ circle? 25. Boz was the pseudonym of which well-known English author?
1. North America 2. Swaziland 3. Ear 6. 6 7. Dingo? 9. Malaria 10. Medusa 12. Istanbul 14. Orca 15. Superlatives 17. Tempering 19. Le Mans 20. 221b 21. Denial of service 22. Adam West 23. Recognise people 25. Charles Dickens
A poor attempt I'm sure... 1. North America 2. Swaziland 3. Ear. 4. Ts Elliott 5. Panama 6.6 7. Alligator 8. 1927 9. 10. Medusa 11. Russell Crowe 12. Istanbul 13. 14. Cetacea 15. Superlative 16. Bruny 17. Tempering 18. 19. Le mans 20. 221b 21. 22. 23. 24. Heide circle 25.[/QUOTE]