Happy Easter to all BBSers. For many of us it will feel a little different this year, but at least the chocolate will be as nice as ever. Have a good 'un.
We did well cos I bought the eggs the week they closed the schools and my youngest only opened one to get the creme egg out. Traditionalists in this house so hot cross buns in the morning and fish no meat on Good Friday.
Happy Easter! I asked my husband to get a couple of Easter eggs that week too and he came back with ten (small ones like but still). I wasn’t too impressed at the time but now I’m glad of it as we still have 3 left each. We start buying and eating them as soon as they hit the shops normally as they’re too nice to only eat on one weekend a year!
Reminds me of the time I let my daughter keep her advent calendar in her room. Think she had one a day up until no.13 and then they all went!
Ya not so happy for me and wife two 70-year-olds peaked in house only contact with our kids and grandchildren is over the phone its times like this when you really miss them, but hay hope you all have a nice Easter.
I know I'm lucky to have my kids with meach. Hopefully there will be smne let up soon and you can see them all again in person.
Happy Easter! Cherish the time with your family, and be sure to call ones that you can’t be with. All the best guys!
Happy Easter folks. Anyone doing anything? My Google Calendar informs me I've no events planned today.
And to you and everyone on here as well - stay safe and hopefully we can be back at Oakwell and back to talking football
Easter greetings to all. Enjoy it anyway you can and hopefully we can emerge from it all a little kinder and wiser.
Happy Easter Helen and to all on the BBS. We've been chatting to our loved ones during the day on Face time. Chuckled at my Grandkids. Swear they both had chocolate on their earlobes.