At the moment businesses are on hold. Some of them COULD start back up now some couldn't. Some even when the lockdown ends can't go back. But many have furloughed employees. The way this works is its 3 weeks at a time. You can't furlough someone for 4 weeks and get the money you'll only get 3. 3, 6, 9 etc. With that in mind I think it's irresponsible to say "we will review the situation in 3 weeks" only to then say in three weeks "we will review it later". That doesn't help anyone. They need to be clear. Say it will be reviewed in three weeks if that's what you mean but you HAVE to follow through on that. The problem is that whilst Boris isn't a nice guy he is at least a strong character. The rest of these lot, his cabinet, are wishy washy yes men who couldn't make a decision between them. They're stalling and have been all along.
Outdoor car wash near us has been shut down twice for operating during the lockdown. I can’t imagine many places that are safer to work than being stood outdoors on your own with a high-pressure water jet. Pointless.
So Boris isn't a nice guy you been out for a beer with him before all this like you must know him personally
That must mean I can make a judgement on you too even though we met Ad a drink Bet ye a Stella snakebite type a guy
This is my 3rd week of not been at work been furloughed, I work on large building sites. I cant see me been back the week after and to be honest I'd rather be back at work earning more money bonus etc. So if I'm not back the week after your saying it will be another 3 weeks minimum is that right? As I dont know the ins and outs thanks
Add to that list JRM Idi Amin Pol Pot Hitler Thatcher Gary Glitter Peter Sutcliffe and a few people I ‘like’ but have some questionable views Bono humanitarian but selfish Weller socialist but technophobe Daltrey selfless but Tory McRae fearless but reckless Corbyn socialist but intransigent Blair left his principles at the door You don’t have to live with someone to know they’re a tw@, but if you did - both Boris’ brother and sister have let us know that he is.
That is how I understand it. I mean they may ask you to go back but your employer can only claim in blocks of three meaning they will be significantly out of pocket if you go back after 1 or 2 weeks they have to pay those lost weeks and without any clear info from these clowns in boris's absence nobody knows so no businesses can plan at all
Minimum furlough periods Any employees you place on furlough must be furloughed for a minimum period of 3 consecutive weeks. When they return to work, they must be taken off furlough. Employees can be furloughed multiple times, but each separate instance must be for a minimum period of 3 consecutive weeks. Minimum period is the key point surely. Those remaining off work will still be on the original furlough. Its the going back that will create complications.
It’s not a necessity, that’s my point. Forcing every non-essential business to close is totally unnecessary.
They haven't. Just certain industries. Its perfectly acceptable to operate an estate agent where you have 100 agents working together in an air conditioned office (air conditioning is known to spread viruses) or to have rows upon rows of call centre staff sat next to each other answering questions about sky sports. We have selected certain industries to sacrifice and its illogical
If employees are furloughed for 2 weeks only, the employer can’t claim for anything. if employees are furloughed for at least 3 consequence weeks, employers can claim for the total number of weeks furloughed. During furlough employees cannot work for the business at all. This is to stop employers fraudulently claiming whilst their employees are still working for them from home or on/off. The minimum 3 week period is to stop employers from furloughing them for a day, then getting them to come in the next day, furloughing them for another day, getting them to come in the next day etc. Otherwise any business with a bit of excess capacity (even if not Coronavirus related) could rationalise their workforce and get the taxpayer to pay for it. They genuinely need to not have a job for them to do. So to the OP, that’s not how the scheme works. They can furlough someone for 4 weeks. It doesn’t need to be in multiples of 3.
Most car washes operate with paying no taxes, no insurance etc, so would guess they are working cos they won’t get a penny without working.
If the experiences of people I know are anything to go by - you will find if you go into those places that social distancing is being taken very seriously. What's described as 'necessary' is a bit arbitrary - I don't believe anyone's 'selected' industries to sacrifice.
Thank god for that. On a related note the amount of people I know who are now working voluntarily for their employer s few hours a day is ridiculous. Nothing in the rules to stop it either in fact I believe it's actually specified as allowed
Correct. My furlough period runs out on Friday so I’ll find out in a couple of days or so if it’s another three week run. What I don’t know is what happens if they call you back within those three weeks? I know they can’t claim but they can still pay you the 80%?
Must be tough at the moment for those who only get paid in cash and don’t declare their full incomes. Spare a thought for them at this difficult time...
We have a call centre. We've sent staff home with pre-existing medical conditions on 80% pay who were unable to work from home; an initiative enacted prior to the government's furlough announcement. We've taken over more rooms and spread out the remaining staff so that the rules on social distancing are more than adhered to. All doors within the building are wedged open (other than fire doors) so no one need touch any surface anyone else has touched. Hand sanitiser dispensers have been installed throughout the building. Every employee has a large packet of wipes on their desk and are given more if ever they run out, each employee responsible for their work station so there is no contamination. Social distancing in all social areas is maintained. We are not alone as a company doing this. It wouldn't surprise me to hear of others doing even more. Like many employers we're staying open, in part, to keep our staff in employment, so they can pay their rent and feed their family. It would be far more profitable for the company to furlough the majority of staff, but we won't furlough anyone who would prefer to work. Nor will we force anyone to work who feels uncomfortable doing so and have discussed all options with all staff. Those who can work from home are doing so. Our call operators can't so we've taken every precaution we can. This is not a one issue society. While the safety of our staff is paramount, the practical needs of a sustained income and the psychological benefits of remaining busy, remaining in the usual routine are also taken into consideration, while we all worry if/when we'll get the virus and if it will kill us. I do not understand this clamour for people to be made jobless/furloughed and be plunged into poverty. If you believe in the government policy and you are vigilant regarding social distancing and hand washing, how can other people going to work affect you? Why do you wish to rob them of an income (this is not aimed at you specifically Supertyke, it as a theme that is prevalent on this BBS and throughout social media). The top 20% of a wage for many people in this country is the difference between eating or not and keeping afloat after the rent and some bills have been paid. Many jobs may not be essential to society, but they're certainly essential to the people doing that job.
That's exactly my point. People are jumping on certain industries and wanting them closed but not others. Personally I would understand (but disagree with it) if they said ALL busineses except for specified essential ones had to close and I could definitely understand if they said all businesses must close unless certain specified measures could be taken. What I don't understand is this crazy idea that it's an absolute disgrace if a carwash is open with two people working 2 metres apart outside but the same people criticising have no problem with a firm of architects working in an air conditioned office touching the same door handles etc. Mainly because one is seen and one isnt. Well the other reason is that THEIR jobs are secure that's why a lot don't care.