1. How would you rate Donald Trump’s handling of the virus outbreak 2. How would you rate his chances of re-election 3. How would you rate his statesmanship qualities (10 being completely presidential and 1 being a complete ******* buffoon)
Currently 44.2% of Americans approve of his performance - although that has already fallen from a peak of 45.8% just last week... The peak was the "Rally around the flag" effect - see also Johnson, Macron, and most other world leaders but the sheen has gone from Trump quicker than most. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
He's an idiot who appeals to other idiots, racists, gun-toters and homophobes who are only capable of comprehending basic words and sentences, which is what Trump provides in virtually all his speeches. There are lots of these people in America. He'll probably win the next election at a landslide.
My concern is that he is going to be backed into a corner with all of this, realising that he will lose the election as a result and give down the route of retaliation against the ‘chinese’ for the ‘chinese virus’
Hes making a fortune by stockpiling his wonder drug ( take t just in case!) so all is well in the workd of Trump
If you haven’t already please go and watch his performance at last nights press conference. He really is a strange individual. He opened with a video presentation with clips of people saying how great he is and how well he’s handled the whole coronavirus situation, very odd.
I've been watching the Presidential Briefings for about 10 days now and you're absolutely right - he just talks in generalisations, throwing in regular superlatives and then insults any of the reporters who dare to question his version of events. Last night was something else though - an embarrassment, disastrous conference from his perspective. I notice that the US news stations are all over it this morning and are very critical. After watching last night I actually worry about his mental state. It would be amazing if the American people don't see through the façade and elect him again.
Last Presidential election he actually had over 3 million fewer votes than Clinton - so he doesn't have overwhelming support but the quirks of the electoral college system actually meant he won. No idea what will happen this time I suspect most of those who voted for him last time will do so again so there is a good chance he will be re-elected - its beyond my understanding. But then I struggle to understand why Boris is so popular here I just read Michele Obamas book Becomming - its a great read by the way and I would recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing and the only person in the entire book she has a bad word for is Trump and its clear she absolutely detests him as a person
There's a really well written article by Jon Sopel on the BBC today about him and his performance last night. Definitely worth reading:- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52276004
Some are mentioning dementia but ges clearly a psychopath, he is right no matter what and he believes the words that come out his mouth
Just one of the many calling him out on his BS. #TrumpMeltdown is trending even in the UK many hours after his press conference. CNN went in really hard on him with their on screen ticker and put together a video package of his lies. Like nothing we'd ever seen over here by the BBC towards Boris Johnson.
He has always been like that though - it may be he is getting worse but you can go back to say 2005 and find the infamous video of him gloating about how he can get away with sexual assault because he is famous to see he is a self centred misogynistic bully who should be in prison not running a country. I genuinely cannot understand why anyone would vote for him
He's in the over 70s risk group but still out in public. One reporter asked him a question in a mask but Trump refuses to wear one. You're suppose to social distance but he has Pence by his side. It's like he thinks he's can't be taken down by the virus. He should be working the same way as our daily briefings by having nobody near him and taking questions through Skype. You'd think what happened to Bojo would have made him more weary.
We think over here’s divided between Tory & Labour but over there it’s far worse with Republicans & Democrats. They don’t even watch the same news channels so will have completely different takes on what’s happened. There’s very little middle ground. I honestly don’t think it’ll make much of a difference to his election chances how badly he’s handled this. In general he’s hated in places like L.A, SAN Francisco, New York, Chicago but loved in a lot of the central states. I’d guess he’ll win again. It’s amazing how far a catchphrase can carry you. Many still love the whole ‘make America great again’ idea. A bit like how Boris can get away with pretty much anything with many voters as he’s about to ‘get Brexit done’
Massive generalisation there about 60 million plus Americans from someone who I’m guessing doesn’t live there? This is the kind of massive generalisation that turns the middle ground to lean a certain way. No doubt there are Trump supporters who follow the beliefs/opinions you just listed, but there’s a huge percentage that don’t.
Even within the places you mentioned above it varies. Within San Francisco, which is probably one of the most liberal cities in the US, he's hated. But across the Bay Area as a whole he gains a higher split of popularity. I'm not entirely sure where LA sits as it's such a fake city to start with, but then an hour south in San Diego and he's probably the more popular vote. Where Trump is winning is through the media. If we think our line of questioning on the daily briefings causes debate, it's a hurricane of opinion over there. On one hand you've got those who see the bumbling idiot who must have dementia, but on the other you've got those who can't stand the line of questioning that comes from the MSM, as if each journalist is searching for that big 'viral' tweet or clip with them in it for their own gain, like it's their moment of stardom. A lot of people like the fact that he fights back, but then a heck of a lot hate the fact he does. It really is a 50/50 split on everything and a lot of the influence will come from what you see and hear through the various media platforms available.
Many US TV stations cut away during that video. Prior to the briefings some are warning that what the President says isn't necessarily factual while others are debating if they should delay the broadcast by a couple of minutes allowing captions to be displayed correcting Trump's erroneous information.
And still almost half of Americans say they want to vote him in again - its hard to get your head around isnt it. I've been employed by companies with American parent companies for most of my career and all the people I know at all well cant stand the guy - but by definition they are educated people with a scientific or engineering background and most travel outside the US regularly. Not one I know will admit any support for Trump in the slightest - Then again they are also based in Massachusetts or California - not prime redneck states