I do wonder what effect this is all having on the black market. My perception is that many users/addicts shoplift and burgle for their funds. I may be wrong. However I would imagine that shops are more difficult to lift from - many are closed - and houses are more occupied - so less opportunity to burgle. I wonder if the dealers are allowing users to run up debts or whether some users are trying to wean themselves off. Also with less movement of goods and certainly less air travel are the supplies of the inbound product being interrupted / more effectively intercepted. I do know 5 old folks houses were burgled in Darfield with the residents still at home and I heard reports of a Tesco's van being held up - but overall I wonder whether the levels of crime to fund drug use are reducing and thereby hitting the "industry" I wonder if the "industry" had the same stockpiling issues - and whether there is more demand for recreational users with more time to consume. But the longer this goes on I do have some concerns about increasingly desperate addicts who have less opportunity to funds their habits non violently. I also wonder how those with extramarital affairs are getting on as well. There's a couple who meet in their cars in a lane near our house. Have done for 25 years. When I walk past their "spot" for my daily exercise I do wonder whether this will make or break them.