As you get older I think you must get grumpier. There are little things that annoy me that are inconsequential. Here are my top 10 1. People who start a sentence with "So". It's particularly prevalent on "Pointless". "What do you do for a living?" So, I'm a part time therapist at JD Gyms 2. In a similar vein people who say "Should of" instead of "Should have". Some even write it like that - morons. 3. Any reality "star". Talentless Thickos who's only ambition in life is to be on the box. 4. People who post pictures of snap they've made, drinks they've bought or quotes they've copied and pasted. I know what a beef burger and a gin look like thanks. 5. Chain letters. ,"99% of you won't read this" correct, deleted. 6. Phone calls from knobheads trying to scam you. If theres no response immediately I've said "Hello" they get a "**** off" with a phone slam. 7. Wives who engage with these ******* and get into conversation. She'll say in defence, "Hang on its Amazon saying your account has been hacked". Me - "I've never given them my phone number". Her, "Alright you can be civil to them". Me, "Just tell them to fck off next time" 8. Fans who chant at Ipswich fans, "You're just a small town in Norwich" embarrassing. 9. Organic snap at double the price. Yorkshire puddings made with organic eggs, flour, milk and gravy £16 10. This ******* coronavirus.
People who bore you to death with 'funny' social media posts. After the 500th post of the day you kind of lose the will to live!!
People desperate to go viral with some video of a set up situation or of a hamster having some tea at a little table,or a dog who as ripped up the cushion,jeez,why what does it gain you in life,or am I just a miserable git?
My phone won't let me reply to these "your account has been compromised and frozen, please enter your personal details to reset" anymore. I used to love filling in nonsensical crap into these scam sites e.g. name:Alf Hitler password 12345.
The "should of" thing really is annoying. It's nowhere near the words that they're trying to use. Another one that seems to be creeping in with Barnsley folks is "Ano" for "I know". Grrr! Also can't stand any song with "Amma" instead of I'm going to. Especially by English artists. "We'll do what we want" chants. Just an excuse to behave without any consideration for anyone else. New vigilante types keeping a track on every movement a family makes and the reporting on Facebook. Yes I did go out in the car today - to feed my 100 year old Grandmother who lives at home, and for whom we can't get any help/ home care at all. Would you prefer that we let her starve? I also went for a walk to the top of the hill, where we managed to steer 15 metres clear of anyone. Is that ok? Online challenges that say you have to give to charity if you don't complete in 24 hours. Just p#ss off. Giving to charity should be a choice, not a punishment. People calling each other "snowflake" on social media, to cover up their lack own of empathy or consideration. GDPR being used as a "Oh no, we can't do that" thing, when people have just totally misinterpreted the reasons behind GDPR.
1) if I'm on a group photo of friends or family it annoys me if someone posts this photo (me included) on Facebook or other social media 2) often when people realise I'm a Taff they tell me of their trips to Wales and how they'd gone into a pub and all the locals started speaking Welsh because strangers had walked in - and I always want to say to them 'How the fk do you know what they were speaking before you walked in?' 3) and still on a Taff theme - it annoys me when people ask me where I'm from and when I tell them they say they've been to Tenby. (which is 80 miles from where I was born.)
‘Barnsley hospital, and any more stupid questions, like that, and you will be going!!!’ Haha. Apologies, couldn’t resist.
Welsh / Scottish people who overly like something made in their home country. yes we get that Gavin and Stacy is quite amusing and still game wasn’t too bad but for goodness sake the locals don't half go on about it!
1) People who write stupid things on social media like “Anyone know phone number for local Chinese?”, type it into google you imbecile. 2) People who just take things from your desk and whilst walking away say “I’m just borrowing this.” 3) Donald Trump.
Anything that's got tangled up and needs untangling.... Paper clips, coat hangers, electrical cables, fishing line etc. I've got no patience. ***** that don't acknowledge you for a courtesy... When you hold a door open or stop at a zebra crossing...... F******g ignorant!!!! Junk mail. Packaging that's impossible to unpack.... Corned beef when the ring-pull breaks, "Peel back here" labels that won't unpeel, or worse still when the peely bit pulls off in your hand. The Scouse accent. Wasps. Anybody that drives about 10 ft behind the car in front Dog owners who don't clean up their dog's s**t. Piers Morgan.
People who plant shrubs on their property adjoining the pavement then letting shrubbery totally overgrow and takeover the entire footpath, Bl00dy irresponsibly gits.