The generation hooked on Australian soaps who now speak higher at the end of a sentence and use the word 'like' every verse end.
Those plastic bags for putting clothes in that charities dump through your letter box. 1. Its costing you money and 2 you are killing the planet. If I want to donate I will contact you Sky sending me a leaflet every week asking me to join sky. I have had sky for 17 years. See above. When all Chinese takeaways seem to close on the same day. Use your brains lads (and lasses) Chip shops who open for two hours at a time every third day and then wonder why they have to sell up after 6 months. People at supermarkets who talk to the cashier for far too long. Move along Karen, we aren't standing in this queue because we plan on recreating the full monty job centre scene. Football clubs who pretend they aren't aware of issues that they have clearly seen supporters raise several times. Until of course they're raised at an invite meeting then they act with shock and promise to deal with it. The queues caused by Aldi at Birdwell. Terrible terrible planning. Speed cameras that aren't always turned on. You've paid to install them. You claim they save lives. Give me one benefit to not bothering to use it when Dennis the rep in his black Audi flies past at 110mph. Referees who pretend they haven't seen something because it's easier to ignore it than to deal with it. Paul Conway.
I live in Birdwell, agreed. People who don't know the difference between affect and effect. Likewise ensure and insure.
1. Tarn knockers. Grrrrrrrr 2. Closet Leeds fans from tarn. Grrrrrr 3 Anyone over 10 yrs of age that supports any club but never seen em. Grrrrrr 4 litter droppers Aaaaaargh 5 Fly tippers String em up. 6 Super rich that have offshore accounts. Tax evading Cnuts Grrrrr 7 Hoylanders Grrrrr ( they'll understand ) 8 Over the top PC brigade. Grrrrrrrr ( Cheer up ) 9 Holding a door open and getting blanked. Grrrrrrrr ignorant *****. 10 Not saying please or thankyou. See 9 11 Sorry I've added another. Unable to say SORRY. ( Wifey )
Remind me why am I acknowledging you for stopping at a zebra crossing? I like a photo of decent food at a good restaurant! I'll add to #8 the song 'xx is a **** hole I wanna go home' when it's somewhere like Shrewsbury, which is lovely.
Many, many of the above but to add to list.... the "yes it's spelled like this but pronounced ….." brigade example ..Ian Hislop went to Magdalene college but pronounces it Maudlin .. Hapisburgh is a place but the locals tell you its Haisbro'...…...yes many words have silent letters but some versions don't even contain the same letters REALLY gets my p*ss boiling is regularly done on Look North and again on Springtime on the farm last night......Canon hall farm in ...South Yorkshire..IT'S IN BARNSLEY. Penistone is in BARNSLEY it's not in f******n Sheffield or just South Yorkshire, amazing how many time a story from the area is reported as South Yorkshire... Rant, rant, rant.soz
1 Middle lane hoggers mostly when I'm coming over for a home game 2 Gangs of cyclists, riding clubs. wannabee bradleys wilfully blocking traffic from passing when I'm trying to get from site to site 3 Delusional Wednesday fans at work who still think they're a big club 4 Delusional folk from donny and that silly accent that puts a W in everything ( school becomes schoowil) 5 unfriendliness cos we're not from round here 6 thieving p!keys who've burgled me twice looking for car keys 7 those who won't let the miners strike go, nuff said 8 the pc brigade, into everything we say, read, watch, do 9 disloyalty from workmates who's backs are against the wall and they're trying to justify their job by criticising others 10 Jeremy Corbyn and those who think like him
1. Boris Johnson 2. Boris Johnson 3. Boris Johnson 4. Boris Johnson 5. Boris Johnson 6. Boris Johnson 7. Boris Johnson 8. Boris Johnson 9. Boris Johnson 10. Boris Johnson
Haha I was going to post same thing until I saw your reply, but with a 'thee' on the end - one of my dad's favourite things to say: wot thy onnerbart, thee?
The price of petrol on motorway services. Does anyone buy it? People who park illegally and think that putting hazard lights on makes it legal. So called fans who can obviously do a better job at football club ownership than whoever is the owner. I cannot understand why anyone would want to do it myself, but a) If I had the money and the opportunity I would do it myself and b) I am grateful for those that do own clubs.