Anyone else noticed when out for a walk the number of never used before bikes hurtling past you on pavement that close you can feel their drag wind. Roads are empty and bikes on pavement arrrrrghhhhh
Were they banned from pavements when we were younger or did I imagine that. Not keen on the ones that expect you to get out of the way if you're walking along the pavement!
Totally understand parents on the pavements if they are with young kids, but adults on the pavement, really? Get on the road ya gimps
This subject always makes me giggle. In Germany cycles are not allowed on the road, they MUST use the pavement. They're only allowed on the road in rural areas where there's no pavement. The system works perfectly and is far safer than here. I cycle all over the place in Germany, but not here. It's far too dangerous.
In Lincoln I once deliberately knocked a cyclist over as he hurtled down the pavement. The oik went flying and I walked on as though it wasn't me that had done it. There were lots of other people around so he didn't know who'd done it. Apart from hurting my arm a bit I felt satisfied and smug. Served him right.
I have a bike. Try riding a bike on any road that has traffic on it. Then come back on here and comment about it.
My son got knocked off his bike by a car ,1st week of lockdown,he was being sick at side of road and we had to monitor him for a few days,he was on road ,wish we had more proper cycle routes because he not been back out on it since even though I straightened everything up,you can’t win with this bikes too fast for pavement,maybe we could have a 2 hour slot for bikes only during lockdown
I have. Both motorised and manual. All over north England. If you a grown man or woman who unless traffic is that dangerous rides on the pavement then you are a ****.
There needs to be more cycle/walking/horse riding routes in this country, like the Transpennine Trail but connecting towns, cities and villages. Roads with speeding or careless bellend drivers on them make cycling simply a matter of time before you have an accident. I used to commute a couple of days a week, years back until I was knocked off my bike by a van driver, so I can understand people riding on pavements at times.
I can remember doing my paper round before school at 14, probley 6.30/7.00 in the morning I used bike everyday with my paper bag on my back alot on the paths ended up a retired police officer chasing me down with his dog telling me how it was illegal to ride my bike on the path etc. So you are right but like nudger says ride your bike on the road and then post again.
There’s loads in Sheffield. The crossing on arundel gate down to the station is like the velodrome most rush hours, ***** on bikes everywhere, I gave a woman a cracking black eye about 4 months back. Stupid **** didn’t even try to slow down or avoid people, just maintained speed and rode straight into my hold-all over my shoulder face first, nice resounding crunch and her momentum took her straight thru to the station. Now imagine how fast she was going and equate that to her clipping a kid or a pensioner or even a fully grown adult. The impact would seriously injure 95% of people, with no recourse unlike car accidents.
Some cyclists are their own worst enemies, park hill on the road going from darton towards the old post office pub if anyone knows it has a specially designated cycle/footpath that is clearly marked but iv not once seen any cyclists use it! Instead they cycle up the hill at a snails pace causing traffic to back up. Its for their own safety!