RESPECT Sir what a top bloke.
he was just featured on the ITV news... he is 100 at the end of the month. What an inspirational bloke.
What an inspiration to younger generations to himself including myself. This is how a role model hehaves not like some of our inspirationsl football role models.
take a look at the ITV clip luvvy..... but with a hanky.
What a lovely kind man but it should not be like this he should not be raising funds for the NHS. The N.H.S. should be well-stocked with all its needs. We should all be condemning this Tory party for running down the country and the N.H.S. with there austerity which has been running now for 10 years and were as it got us, into this mess, local governments have been hit the hardest take Barnsley social services, for instance, my daughter is senior management and she told me that she is sending out social workers with no P.P.E. because they have not got any and can not get any to emergency cases. It ******* stinks when this set of ***** hawks can bribe the likes of the DUP to keep them in power. It gets me when an old man like this gentleman as to fundraise oooooooh I can't say any more I'm that mad.
Over £4 million now. His 100th birthday this month and a young girl just been on about sending him a virtual birthday card
A great news story, and someone wants to Politicise it. Shame on you... celebrate something good please, now is not the time for blame- or should we blame politicians, premier league players, CEO’s etc just to make you feel better.
Hope he can break 10 million. I just hope it makes a real difference. £6 million is a hell of a lot of money, but it’s a tiny fraction of the NHS budget. Hope it doesn’t get lost in that budget and it goes directly to the front line one way or another 7 million smashed!!! He should be made a Sir but he seems too humble for that so would probably turn it down and hate the fuss.
It's going to help specifically the COVID19 crisis, so things lihe acconadation for those staying in student accommodation instead of returning home, mental health initiatives and is being extended to care workers too.