I don't think so, the extra lane is only used when required. Besides which, more speed means more bunching (particularly in the BMW lane) and that inevitably leads to sudden braking and consequent occasional accidents. I really don't think there is any rational argument against variable speed limits. Back in the 1970s during the oil crisis, they introduced a voluntary 55mph limit on the motorways and the majority of people stuck to it, this resulted in massive savings in fuel and reduced journey times. The volume of traffic was the same with the same number of lanes.
Pavement parkers, especially those that park that way whilst their driveway is empty. Effing love em.
A few comments here Exeter to Glasgow is 440 miles so at 80 that takes 5 hours 30mins and at 70 its 6 hours 17 mins so its actually 3/4 of an hour longer. In a normal year I make the drive from Calais to Chambery several times it takes a whole hour longer at 70 than at 80 which is quite significant Even my drive to Wombwell is 20 minutes longer at 70 than it would be at 80 - though chance of doing it all at 70 would be nice As for smart motorways - under heavy traffic conditions slowing down the traffic to smooth the flow does reduce journey times but its fairly clear that this only applies when traffic is heavy But back to the cycling on pavements - I dont cycle on pavements in this country but have regularly done so in Germany where it is expected and there are seperate lanes for bikes and pedestrians and it works well In the UK many of the pavements are too narrow for safe cycling and cyclists who cycle at speed on them are dangerous and breaking the law
Most cyclists on the TPT will slow down and ring their bell when passing walkers. Most will say thank you as they pass. However, like in all walks of life there are the dickheads who whizz past within feet with a back draft that might not be healthy. These are the same dickheads who'll do 100 on the motorways, overtake on the inside etc. Not all cyclists are dickheads.
Some bike riders are dicks Some car drivers are dicks Some people are dicks most of the above aren’t. be more kind.
You would. But then let's have a look at the term 'footpath' What does that conjur up?? To me, a path for people on foot... Not one that has tw@ts on bikes speeding past you breaking the 2m rule and thinking YOU should move because you are WALKING on A FOOTPATH!!!!!! Now come back to me when you can change the definition of a footpat ... Clever tw@t
No, you thought wrong. Pedestrians using the footpaths for their intended use are the ones correct... HTH
Moral high ground? If you think you are anywhere but at the bottom of a moral abyss if you use pavements in the U.K. to cycle on - as a full grown adult you’ve issues. Which would be the most expected thing to happen to someone walking? A car doing 5mph over the speed limit on a road they are going to cross, though would actively look for traffic before doing so, or a cyclist hurtling past you from behind, at circa 15-20 mph? Also, is breaking the law excused by other people breaking a different law? Where is the line drawn there? I might have murdered someone but that’s ok as Dave next door doesn’t pay for a tv licence and streamed the boxing instead of paying for it... There is an argument to get cyclists off the road and safer. Of course. Infrastructure should be provided if cycling is to continue to be encouraged to grow as a transport source or pastime. But the solution isn’t to allow cycling on the current footpaths which are not wide enough by design to allow this to be safe. And it would be nice if, where separately designed and provided cycle paths/lanes are available, they are actually used. I live in donny. All way you York Road there is a cycle path and for the little bits there isn’t one, there is a bus lane cyclists are free to use. I’d guess 80% of cyclists ignite them and just use the road. So even if the infrastructure was provided it would necessarily be used.
Yer right - but additional to that - when car drivers are dicks (and there are plenty of them out there) they can seriously hurt or kill you. And it only takes one. So for that reason - I’ll stay on the pavement. Obviously when you pass pedestrians you ring your bell and slow down. Never had any problems or angry words while I’ve been out on the bike - in fact quite the opposite.
To add to this. When I go to India - which I try to do every year - I hire a scooter. There are very few pavements in India - everyone walks on the road - and if you have been to India you will know that it’s chaos - loads of people, often traffic driving, buses, lorries on the wrong side of the road. And yet - I feel much safer riding a scooter on the roads in India - than I do riding a pushbike on the roads in Britain.
Try to find some common sense, and stay off pavement ... PLEASE. And stop nudging the pedestrians off
How many people were killed by cyclists on pavements? I cannot find anything to suggest there were any How many people were involved in RTA's - well in 2018 (latest stats I found) Gov.uk source 160,378 of all severity type incl 1,782 deaths 99 of which were cyclists From this I conclude the following: People that ride cycles don't kill pedestrians on pavements People in motor vehicles can injure or even kill other road users. I cycle on the road where I deem it safe to do so.. I do ride my cycle on pavements on occasion - I give way to pedestrians always when I do Edit - I am NOT repeat NOT Young Nudger's alter ego
You’ll never ever win an argument with one of these entitled cyclists. Their entitlement to use the roads trumps any commonsense/moral/safety argument. They’re a plague the world over. I go to Holland a lot where the roads and infrastructure are much more suited to and are very cycle friendly. But its ordinary folk riding sit up and beg get me to work/shops/friends bikes, not head down ar$e up look at me I’m a proper cycle racer get out of my way bikes. The pig ignorance of these types pysees me off daily because since the tour de yorkshire local authority vanity project the roads around me are packed with them, even during lockdown I come across them in their packs. 2-3 abreast its getting worse as the weather gets better. No registration plates so untraceable. Needs a good dose of looking at.
That's a sweeping generalisation about cyclists. Plus we have as much right to be on the roads as you do.
Your logic is deeply flawed . Quoting breaches of the Highway Code' by others does not justify you breaching the Highway Code by riding your bike on the pavement.