Really enjoyed that, thanks again. Loved the story about Bullock! Was a shame to hear we treated him a bit crap with the manager job though. Seems like a really nice bloke, makes me miss footy of that era even more. Would love to see likes of Eaden and Barnard interviewed
These interviews have become much smoother and much more professional. That is not easy, and it indicates the amount of work that has been done beforehand in research and preparation of questions. Craig Hignett clearly felt at ease and the fact that he was relaxed helped him to present his answers in the way he wanted to. Much credit to interviewer and interviewee alike.
That was a quality interview and Craig spoke very well. 1999-2000 will always be my favourite season I think due to being young at the time and being totally enthralled by the attacking style of play we often showed. Great memories. The Man City game was something else for a 10 year old that season. A wonderful day.
Had to pause it to go out and clap but another quality interview. Love the fact that he loved his time at Barnsley and the honesty of his answers. Agreed with him on allowing managers more time to put their stamp on a team as well
I know Dave Bassett wasn’t everybody’s favourite manager , but I enjoyed the season and the football we played that year
I wasnt too happy when he was appointed but I loved that season. Felt the disappointment of losing at Wembley all over again though!
I think for entertainment that season was one of the best I've seen, Was really up & down, but never dull. The big promotion seasons under Danny, Clarke, Hunter & Hecky would be my favourites along with the season in the Premier League and the first season in division 2 under Hunter. Maybe the Flicker survival season after that & last season under the wonderful Mr Stendel & the cup run under Simon Davey. TBH it's not been too bad.
Have to say @Loko the Tyke not sure what your day job is, but your interview technique is superb. These are really top notch.
Another spiffing effort, Benj. Higgy is one of the finest players to grace our beloved club and one of the soundest fellas in football too.
Another brilliant evening's entertainment. Got the feeling Higgy would have talked for hours if allowed. Keep em coming, best thing on telly at the moment.
One of my favourites seasons too and maybe Higgy is my favourite player (other than Redders maybe - never did see Glavin). I remember getting majorly upset when Bassett had left Higgy on the bench. What a player he was. Was gutted when he left.
I think he would have done as well. It's either because he's a pro on the after dinner circuit or because he studied the questions in advance, but he was sometimes talking for more than five minutes at a time but answering four or five of my questions in one go. Which is perfect because nobody is tuning in to listen to me so it worked a treat!
That's pretty bloody kind of you mate. Being furloughed makes it easier to prepare - I'd be bumbling through with zero prep work if I had the day job at the same time. Guests help massively as well. Been brilliant so far and we know Redders will be great tomorrow night.
Just watched it, really enjoyed it and what a legend Higgy is. Well done to all concerned for bringing this to us