My parents need their conifers cutting. They were due to be cut at the end of march but that we obviously put back. They're unable to do them themselves due to the size. Now as I understand it I am not allowed to go to their house and help them however they are allowed to pay a stranger to do it. Would I suddenly be allowed if they paid me?
People can continue to go to work, even if their job isn't deemed "essential". They just have to follow the social distancing guidelines. The controversy starts when they can't adhere to the social distancing guidelines at work or on the way to work. Personally, I can't see anything wrong with going round to a relatives to do some gardening as long as you stay outside. However, I don't think it would fall under one of the criteria that would allow you to leave your home. I'm having a similar dilemma because I need to visit a post office to return an item bought online within 30 days, but I don't think that would fall under one of the criteria either.
I agree with you. If someone is working outside your home and everyone keeps their distance where’s the harm in that? My son has been round to the mother in law’s to jetwash the flags in her garden to make it nice to sit in. She’s vulnerable with COPD but she kept away from him.
Don't worry I am doing. It does seem a bit barmy though doesn't it. Can't help someone do their gardening but can pay someone else to. Can't go to work at a bookshop that help with boredom and isolation but can go to work at Poundland selling cheap USB cables. Can't leave my home except for essential reasons but can go and stand on the street with my neighbours if it's 8pm on a Thursday. Etc.
It is definitely barmy I must admit. Best we can do is social distancing to keep the virus from spreading though
I'm quite proud to say that since they asked us to stay home I haven't been within 10 metres of a single person (except my neighbour through the wall I guess)
Basically ,there a majority that think there either immune from the lockdown or just thick as mince , called at iceland this morning and the range is open and people coming out with essential garden plants , theve got exotic eating habits or Caterpillar s
Well we’ve been out for a long walk every day. I’d go nuts stuck inside day after day. Through Locke Park we’re in open country within 10/15 mins. Anyone we see respectfully keeps their distance as per their regulations. We’re allowed out for exercise so can’t see a problem.
I bought paint last Friday from Wilkos, been told I'm irresponsible...but Wilkos are open and they're selling paint. Confusing innit?
If everybody applied a bit of common sense, then all of these arguments would disappear. There is nothing wrong with going round to your parents and doing some gardening as long as you stay outside and they stay inside. Unfortunately there are so many utter morons out there that if the Government were to leave it open to the individual to decide how to behave, the pubs would be full and all the shops would be open and rammed with people. A good example was the other day when walking near a local pond/lake there was a group of youngish (20 somethings) all sat in a group - no distancing evident. They then walked off to their 2 cars and started hugging and shaking hands before they left. Unbelievable Geoff.
That's the biggest confusing element here. I can order non essential things online. Meaning someone in a warehouse is picking it. Loaded into a van then delivered to me. Putting lots of people in the chain at risk to bring me a non essential item. But that's ok because these people are allowed to work under the guidelines. Now I get it, try and keep whatever little bit of the economy going that we can. But it just doesn't make logical sense. @Brush makes a great point. Common sense should do the trick in most situations but we have to cater to those who don't have any.