10 metres, wow! you haven't been out shopping then? Sound like my missuss who assumes and insists that I am doing all the shopping even though men over 50 are statistically more likely to get covid than any one else. couldn't cope with the 1 hour wait to get into morissons today though... doing my head in. serves me right for going at 11 o''clock
The one place social distancing aint working is in the Supermarkets, yes they have markings on the floor and distancing at checkouts but they are still allowing too many into the shop at one go.
I will be going for a walk soon....daily allowed exercise. Am I allowed to purchase some (as some will call it) non essential bottles of beer from the beer shop I will pass that the government has allowed to stay open ?
I went to Aldi in Wakey last night at 8.30pm, the first time I've been to a shop in over a month. Only 4 people there the whole time I was there.
Yes you are allowed to do your daily excercise to the front door of the off licence and then walk through the door to buy your beer. You aren't however allowed to talk TO the off licence to buy your beer.
Outside my local Tesco's everyone dutifully obeys social distancing and the one out - one in rule...However once inside all sanity is lost!
Sign language it is then The shop is also a bar and they are still selling draught craft beers but in containers to take away. Nothing to be consumed on the premises. I shall also be feeding some non essential ducks on the way
Got to admit it seems a bit strange that the range and Wilco’s are open. But so is B and Q and other stockists and non food departments. Selling the likes of household hygiene. Detergent items etc. But the clothing sides of some supermarkets are still trading. B and M’s now do essential goods along with non essential. Probably the best for picking up most stuff without visiting different stores. The stairfoot one is now massive.
Last week at Morissons everyone keeping 2 metres apart on the way in. woman walks straight down the car park, straight in between me and the bloke in front of me. queing here luv i said. oh, she said, didn't think you were in the queue as there was too much distance between you! I kid you not! Queues back there luv, pointing to the end of the queue. She didn't move, ignorant fecker
It makes sense for supermarkets to keep selling children’s clothes at least. Kids don’t stop growing and babies especially will need new stuff. I know that most almost all adults will probably have a wardrobe full of clothes so most likely won’t *need* anything new but clothing is pretty essential, at least it is if you don’t want to get arrested anyway so it has to be on sale somewhere. At my last school one of the kids’ houses burned down and they lost absolutely everything. Someone could be fleeing domestic abuse and doesn’t have time to pack a suitcase etc.
If I were in charge there would be no shopping in Tesco or anywhere else. Everybody would be ordering online for click and collect. The supermarkets would pick it all and you would collect your goods from them check outs with every second checkout open. As customers you'd walk to the exit side of the checkout and your trolley full of stock would be pushed to you from the store side. Job done.
The supermarkets have said they can't already cope with the increased demand for online shopping. then there's the people without or can't use the internet. my mum and dad for example, in the 80s don't know one end of a computer from the other
What happens if you’ve no online capability What happens if you don’t offer an online service What happens if you don’t drive or have mobility issues