Yes. Having dealt with on a professional level with at least two camps mentioned on that programme and with those delightful ***** on a regular basis over previous years in my personal life the documentary was very much spot on. Theyve been allowed to run wild by the authorities scared of being seen as being prejudice against a minority.
If we're making generalisations about races and justifying them by reference to crime statistics then black people make up 2.7% of the general population but 13.7% of the prison population. Does anyone having a go at gypsies fancy sticking the boot into black people as well? If not, why not?
This thread started off with Travellers and now you speak of Gypsies. Do you class them as one and the same?
I was brought up not to say anything if I don't have anything positive to say. With gypsies, however, I'll make an exception. They made my life at school a living hell. As did their 'mates' who either pretended to be gypsies or wanted to be accepted into their circle. They've damaged my family's property and my neighbors'. A friend of mine, a small business owner, has had several run ins with them, costing him literally hundreds of pounds. They used to camp close to my old house and would leave the area an absolute bomb sight when they left. Any time I've been on a night out and they've turned up it's invariably resulted in a full evening of intimidation tactics, stealing and violence, usually with innocent people getting hurt. They run round giving it the big one and if anyone dares retaliate, you get about 50 of them on you. Real tough guys. All hiding behind this persecuted minority facade. Total rubbish. Grow up, get a job, put a day's work in, contribute to bloody society and try and make it a better place like every bugger else.
I was bullied by one at school, apart from a couple of years when he was getting expelled from two other schools. He didn't make it to 20. Neither did most of his "mates" - although I think one did by being in prison.
I like the idea of the sound of horses hooves and the canary coloured carts rattling round the local leafy lanes. I've no problem with it when it's 50 miles away.
I apologise - I clearly overstepped the mark. These are clearly not dead Gyspy's and I apologise unreservedly to anyone who's family may have been in the picture. This is what I meant.
When we lived in Ireland our estate was opposite one of their “official” legal camps. I can’t generalise for them elsewhere, but these really were the most foul people you could possibly imagine. We had to walk past them to get to Tesco as we didn’t drive, and on several occasions their kids thought it was a great idea to slap my wife’s backside as they rode past on stolen bikes. They spat, stole, threatened. The condition they kept their animals in was atrocious. We found two of their dogs dead and their beautiful horses were extremely malnourished and spent their entire lives tied to a small post with no grazing room. When they would approach you on the street you could tell they were speaking English to each other, then when they’d get close they’d switch to Irish and hurl some intimidating words at you as you passed them. We had to call the Garda (Irish police) on several occasions because they took a liking to our Alaskan Malamute we had at the time. They got into our back garden looking for her and stalked us in a BMW with tinted windows. The most shocking thing about all of it was the response of the Garda. They outright told us they weren’t going to do anything because they couldn’t touch this community. Whenever Garda enter their compound they’re physically assaulted and it’s just considered too dangerous. These people could murder in broad daylight and get away with it. I’m sure one day I’ll meet a nice gypsy, but so far none.
I worked on Carlton ind est, a few years ago and they camped straight across road from us. I've seen them urinate and s.hit at the side of the road. I was leaving work one day and they blocked us from leaving just so they could race each other round the block in their cars. I've seen young kids driving the cars, a law unto the selves
It isn't a lot different to the American Indians, or the Aborigines in Australia, Clearly people who have historically had stuff taken away from them & their modern existence is one of disfunction. Australia is really weird in particular. Just loads of drunks in parks & on trains. I'm not defending them, as I've been on the receiving ind of some kickings & DJ'd a party where there was a knife fight also with hundreds of travellers & police wagons kicking off.