I used to drink a lot of white wine, but I’ve found that over time my taste is moving more towards red. I know nought about red wine. I drink Tore Loco of course when ALDI have it, and I don’t want to spend daft money. Has anybody got any recommendations at £10 or under?
Majestic wines do a few Portuguese red wines that my wife seems to enjoy Porta 6, LB7 made by the same vineyard and S&R Douro. All under £10 if you buy 6 bottles, that’s 6 mixed not 6 of any particular wine. Think the first 2 are still under £10 even if you don’t buy 6. When they reopen Majestic do a blind tasting where they assess your favourite style and the store is colour coordinated so you can shop your preference. PS I don’t work for them I buy Paulaner German beer from there so pick my wife’s wine up at the same time. Nearest one to me is Wakefield just past Pugneys. They are doing a service currently where you can email them they ring you back and deliver a few days later.
I’m back drinking white wine. But when drinking red - and because I like quite heavy blackberry / plum tasting reds - then I go for anything reasonably priced with an Australian Shiraz label on it.
You don't have to buy 6 of the same kind to get the cheaper rate at Majestic. I agree Portuguese reds (from Majestic) are some of the best value wines at present. Just had a home delivery of 24 bottles, Porta 6, Porta 6 Riserva, Gambia and LB7. Absolute stonking plonk.
There's a Zinfandel in Aldi that's really nice. Think it's 7.99 or 8.99. https://www.grandealberone.it/en/wines/platinum-collection/
I've had a few bottles of the Yellow Tail Shiraz, very nice and about £6-£7 a bottle. I have to say alcohol is helping me through all of this.
The basic cost of wine is around £3 - £3.50. That's the cost of bottle, production, transport,and tax (fixed), that's everything except the wine itself. So a £5 bottle has around £1.50 to £2.00 of wine. Theoretically if you pay £7 to £8 you're getting something maybe twice as good, certainly much better. For the average punter £10 is a good 'high water' mark. One of my leaving presents from work was a £80 bottle of Champagne, I like Champagne but to my unsophisticated palate I would have preferred four bottles at £20.
Always preferred red win ... it was usually only one left at partys or social events so I got a taste for it
You tried the S&R Douro. Went to Porto last year for nations league and the Douro region wines were very good, preferred the ports myself but wines in that region we’re good quality.