Try running on the Trans Pennine Trail and you will see the real Covidiot Cyclists in action. Groups of up to 8 mountain bikers riding in a bunch forcing walkers and runners off the trail. They don't seem to have any bells to warn people either. I haven't seen any road bikers in groups.
Isn't that like football fans wearing football shirts. Lycra is the practical wear for serious road cyclists, mountain bikers and Triathletes.
This mamil thing. I'm not a cyclist and I appreciate a lot of it is meant in jest but when I see people out on bikes with the gear on I think "Good for them". I don't get this shaming response. It happened with women and yoga pants too, didn't it? Don't we want to encourage people to get exercise anymore? Who cares what they're wearing, really?
I can honestly say I've never looked at anyone in a bike in lycra and thought anything negative. Maybe I just only see the fairly fit ones though because I don't ever remember seeing anyone and even noticing their body. I don't understand the lycra though. Shorts I get for the comfort but lycra tops just seem like they're going to be really uncomfortable and sweaty. Never tried them though and they're popular so can't be but it's all I ever think.
I don’t care wether they wear Lycra, bin bag or full combat gear... just stay off pavement and have courtesy for pedestrians
For the record. I had a road bike for 4 years and a mountain bike for 20 after that. Often did 50 miles in a day on bridle paths... wore Lycra shorts BUT always gave way to walkers, even if had to dismount and walk a little. Lots of elderly now having a little walk and I’ve seen idiots steam past them from behind often scaring them- and I’m sure elderly are worried enough as it is at minute
Many drivers hate cyclists and pedestrians mostly hate them too. People on here moaning about them been on the trans pennine trail cyclists cant win. I will say this though they isnt enough cycle lanes and routes in this country. In london there is some crazy statistic about the amount of bikers killed each year on the roads. Just keep safe.
They're made of material which wicks sweat away and dries quickly. You don't want anything loose which will flap around, slow you down and irritate you
Do they actually work though? I always find anything that claims to be climacool, coolskyn or cooltech or anything like that just makes me feel more uncomfortable. Also how much would a normal t-shirt slow down the average rider? I don't mean those who are trying to shed every second just your average Joe? As I said I have absolutely nothing against it or anything like that but my head always makes me think 'hmm does that actually do owt?'
I suppose the best thing I can say is that I never feel uncomfortable or wet. I think a non breathable t shirt would be quite uncomfortable, especially when it's sodden with sweat and flapping around. I don't know exactly how much difference it would make to speed, but more than you'd think. Wind resistance has a huge effect in cycling and when you do the same route a few times you quickly realise how much difference even just a bit of a breeze can make to your speed.
That is when walking sticks come in handy . "Sorry officer , I was surprised and my walking stick unfortunately went in the front wheel spokes "
Nice, I confirm rode correctly and with respect and you suggest I deserved violence ? Ok , I understand now you have hate for law abiding citizens. Is it you that throws bricks from bridges on cars that drive within speed limit too ? Are you always a violent person, or do you need some mental health support during this lockdown ?
Seen a few people in groups biking which is obviously wrong but seen a lot more people walking or hanging about in groups that’s also wrong & they tend to be closer together which is more dangerous. In general I think people have been great. I’ve been out on trails everyday & the vast majority of people are been really sensible, keeping their distance, been friendly from a distance & bikers & joggers have slowed down to pass people. As for large numbers of people out on their bikes, well they’re bound to be aren’t they? If they’re furloughed or self-employed & can’t work they’ve probably gone from only been able to ride on a weekend to having lots of time to ride. Add to that the weathers great & all the gyms & five a side centres are shut.
Apparently violence against cyclists is fine. Only the other day we had someone bragging about committing assault:
I've done road cycling for a few years, although I seem to have retired .......... I normally defend good cyclists when it comes to roads, rights and traffic, but I must admit I was annoyed yesterday seeing the groups out. Individuals, fair enough, but groups ...... I was ashamed. The is a knack to riding in a group, it is not easy, so these were obviously club / experienced cyclists who thought more of the nice weather and quiet roads than they did about the current social situation.
There was a big gang came down our high street yesterday, no distancing and no thought for anyone trying to get past them as is the usual case with these types whom I come across routinely on the roads around us. I don't mind solo cyclists, leisure cyclists, cycle to work cyclists but these selfish groups playing at tour de yorkshire are a bleedin pest. Why they aren't required to have compulsory training, insurance and display some form of registration plate I just don’t know. If I was driving dangerously I could be identified from my registration plate, when they ride in these big packs which is dangerous they have no accountability.