Only a year ago, the potential EU membership of Turkey was cited as a good reason to vote leave. Their economy, lack of human rights, a basket case that we’d be shovelling money into forever. Well,well, well. Today we eagerly await the arrival of a consignment of PPE, critical to protecting the welfare of our NHS workforce. Even more critically in the political world, critical to protect reputations/survival of our incompetent government.
It's a government that put the needs of a few tourists with more money than sense ahead of it's wider population and infrastructure. The irony for me is that this will wipe out our economy completely when the people have to pay the money back.
Failing to see the irony - lmagine the scandal of the newspaper headline - low-cost economy produces low-value high volume items shocker. Like China Or India Or Mexico. Each country lovely in it's own way - each country with it's own Human Rights and democratic challenges. Each one I don't' want a free movement of people agreement with. Each one I'd be happy to buy some products from. However, I'm not surprised that it's the undemocratic remain faction - those who sought to overturn and ride roughshod over democracy - that would ally themselves not only with the undemocratic EU but undemocratic people like Erdogan who would also seek to change election results. Whose next on your wish list - Putin? Seems Remain don't even understand the language never mind the issues that were voted on.
Yes it’s great that they are sending 400,000 items of PPE. I’m just pleased there isn’t a Turkish citizen accompanying each one of those 400,000 items.
I don't think people who voted Remain or Leave will ever understand each other or see their point of view. I voted Remain and I vote Labour and I can never see why anyone would want to vote Conservative or Leave. It isn't personal. I respect the decision but not the manner of our leaving. The result wasn't an FA Cup victory with only one winner who has the bragging rights, in my opinion. It affects us all and you have to carry that into our negotiations. Looking back at Theresa May's deal I wish we had backed that, it seemed a decent halfway house.
Or Turkish barbers or car washers (when the social distancing ends obviously) but seriously I think the free movement of people from countries like Turkey to a island like ours shouldn't happen and was one of the main reasons for the leave vote.
I think that's rich coming from somebody who obviously supports a referendum result where the people were fed misleading garbage from a pro-Brexit campaign, which breached electoral rules.
Hilarious. What uttter niaivity Yes of course we were all hoodwinked. - no dodgy information from teh remain side at all - like the economic crash we were promised the very day after the referendum result. Which has never come! Do we really need to go over this ******** again. No doubt the economic impact of Covid will be blamed on Brexit by remoan.
Undemocratic remain? Ha. So 30 years of press lies about the EU, criminal activity by leave, the Met Police being stopped from investigating by the Prime Minister of the day and of course it's remain who are undemocratic. You sound like Mugabe with his 90 odd percent votes claiming legitimacy.
And I read 4 days ago that that when Italy were begging for medical supplies to save its citizens lives many eu countries ignored their cry for help, France and Germany put a export ban on medical equipment, the eu said they owe Italy a heartfelt apology as they did let them down. Oh yes the bloody irony, I dont blame brexit for this whatsoever, it lies solely at the feet of the eu
The economic impact of covid19 will be a get out of jail free card for Leavers. The impact of their decision will be swept away in the tide.
Well the economy has been at a almost standstill with the government propping the country up for the past 4 weeks. So I imagine COVID19 will be the cause of many economic woes to come.
At 10.04 you wrote this “No doubt the economic impact of Covid will be blamed on Brexit by remoan” Let’s ignore the fact you wrote remoan like some great literary genius and comedian and mention the fact you spoke about economic impact first.
Ok, Slowly for those who are struggling to keep up. There is an economic impact of Covid 19. There is and will be no material negative impact of Brexit. Never has been one. Never will be one. However many promises of doom you make. However many deadlines you set for it to come - the latest of which you've kicked down the road again - for the 5th time I think - until next year. When you finally get to one of your deadlines and there is a negative set of statistics. You'll blame Brexit. Maybe then you'll be happy and shut the **** up (re)moaning about it. (did you see what I did there) .