slowly? Despite what you’ve written above.... I hate to break it to you is only your opinion. unless of course you are a world leading economist crossed with nostradamous? No I doubt that very much. the point was you accused someone of doing something that you had actually done, without irony or acknowledgment you then went into the above supposition, repeating insults again like a comedy genius and “Liked” by the usual sycophants. That’s the point, which you failed to see. But you “won” so it’s ok.
I'm not disagreeing with that, but I think the Tory party and press will place the blame solely on the crisis.
I genuinely would like to know how you see the country as being in say 10 years time , having voted to leave the EU My worries are that employment laws will weaken, our standards of living as a whole will go down and public services will.suffer. You see it as?
Brexit has had a huge impact on our country. Not the direction in which any individual or the nation as a whole voted, but that it dominated UK politics for much of the last decade. Commentators, the media and the public turned their entire focus to Brexit and lost sight of everything else. Social, Domestic and Health Policy were either ignored, or what we'd previously enjoyed was eroded, while hard hitting austerity ensured those without repaid the money lost in 2008 by those who have. Before this crisis broke you couldn't get a GP's appointment within a time frame that would either see you get better on your own or die. Is it any wonder there was no plan and no equipment ready to go for Covid-19. The country was split down the middle over a referendum that no one was calling for other than the bank bench MPs of a political party.
Unfortunately RH Covid 19 will probably account for all of the above, so it may be very difficult to distinguish between the impacts of brexit whilst we’re also suffering the impacts of the virus. Of course they’ll be those in the remain camp who’ll want to blame all our ills on brexit, like this thread, I’ve no idea how importing medical equipment is somehow twisted to reflect poorly on the leave campaign. Were we going to stop importing German cars, Dutch cheese, French wines ?
I'd imagine the remain voters will try push alot of the blame for the economy after covid 19 on leaving europe. Truth is we will never know how it would have been without covid 19
Yes. It was tremendous to leave the EU. We no longer have to deal with such European Countries as China, India or Mexico.
It's an absolute fact that most of our economic reserve which should have been there for unpredictable natural disasters or wars etc has been eaten up by no-deal Brexit preparations.