The usual weekend lag but it's worrying the amount infected keeps going up. I know they are testing more people (still not enough) but after a month in lockdown nearly 6000 a day shouldn't still be getting infected.
Yes the lack of testing followed by a increase in testing will make infections a difficult trend to follow. People hospitalised and deaths should hopefully come down but will sadly take longer to see.
Hopeful signs that we are beyond the "peak" now. Sure it may still go up and down but if the overall trend is down that has to be positive.
You have to remember that it doesn't mean 6000 a day are getting infected. It means 6000 have developed serious enough symptoms that they have now been tested. There have been cars of people only showing symptoms after 2 weeks and then the first symptom might not be severe, it can take days for the severe symptoms to set in and only then would they really consider testing for it.
That's true. Social distancing is helping but if we go down the route someone in his tweets is expecting for Canada it won't happen....
Over 2000 people less that's been tested compared to the day before. 100000 a day in less than two weeks is going to be tough with them reducing testing.
Rumours abound that Johnson is planning to throw Hancock under the bus over the failure to hit the testing goals - it would buy him a little more time if he had a scapegoat.
He'll get away with it aswell. All his supporters will say that he was ill and had to rely on his staff who have let him down etc. rather than realise the mistakes happened well before he caught it.
That will be the staff that he personally appointed those staff? some of who were clearly appointed because they would do as they were told and not think for themselves too much - those staff? In any case according to the S*n Boris is one of the very few now wanting to maintain the lockdown and Hancock is his major ally in this - coincidentally the 2 people who have actually had the disease (and no I dont read that rag the story just popped up in my newsfeed)
That's it the two who have experienced it first hand know best. Reports of Boris being scared and tentative are probably true. If what he went through doesn't make him take lockdown more seriously nothing will.