This might be down to each individual company But can you cancel pre booked holidays days that land on days that you are already on furlough leave .
We got out bank holidays back as you can't be on furlough and get holiday pay at same time. Thats what we've been told. 2 days extra to have when I want now.
Not all companies are sticking to this 2 yrs , my lads partner who works for a law firm (!!) told her she must take her holiday regardless
I have asked my manager the exact same question this afternoon as I had pre booked them. They are void mate in other words you still have them.
Its not automatic though and they don't HAVE to let you cancel them. The options are If you haven't already got holidays booked: 1. Nothing, you keep your holidays and have 2 years to take them 2. You can request an holiday during furlough and if your employer says yes they must top up your wages for those days to 100%. 3. Your employer can, depending on your contract, force you to take holidays during furlough. Again they must top up your wages. If you have got holidays already booked: (like you have) 1. You use the holiday and your employer must top up your wages. 2. You request to cancel them and your employer can say yes or no. If they refuse to cancel them they must top up your wages. 3. Your employer chooses to cancel your holiday by giving you enough notice period.
Apparently if you are furloughed itsmhard to get it sorted so the company is best off letting you carry them forward.
I'm in the same position - been told I need to have used 8/12 of my annual holiday entitlement by the end of August.
That’s the thing they are paying us 100% well 20 % top up after the government 80% currently whilst on furlough . So may seem like i am taking piss but what’s point me using my holidays when I’m off already and getting paid full
Completely pointless mate. Get them asked. If they're the kind of employer who's topping up your wages then they seem reasonable
Why would anyone whos furloughed want more time off, i think the economy and up coming recession is a far bigger thing than losing a few holiday days. Lets hope the jobs are still there to go back to because if there isnt enough money coming in to cover wages etc then they wont be bringing people back after the furlough is ended.
I can't answer for anyone else but I can't do so many of the jobs that I use my holidays for because they can't be done by one person and I'm not allowed anyone round or because I need materials etc that I can't really get.
Our company haven't committed to anything re: carrying leave over but any days that were booked on furlough days can be cancelled if necessary.
It’s two slightly different things an employer can ask that an employee takes holidays in any situation as long as requisite notice is given it’s just that you have carried over more holidays for a longer period if stopped from taking them by cv19 whereas before it was ‘ use them or lose them’ furlough counts as being prevented from taking the leave so you are still getting your holiday albeit the employer is determining when to take them
I work for British Car Auctions and we've been told we have to take a week's holiday at the beginning of May. Apparently some employees asked for this because they were struggling on 80% pay. I think they've done it because if they didn't then they would be short of staff later in the year with everybody taking holidays.