Just had an almighty rant at an ignorant couple in the Asda who thought the direction arrows on the isle floors didn’t apply to them Am I the only one who rants at this ?
Well said, some people are inconsiderate and ignorant. I am afraid it is just the world we live in. No consideration for anyone.
It's been driving me mad. How difficult a concept is it? On one occasion I kept seeing the same woman going the wrong way all the way round. So far I have kept my annoyance to myself as I didn't want the agro with tensions high. How did the other party respond?
Yes, it's a load of ******** in the grand scheme of things. People are socialising and working shoulder to shoulder . I'll keep my distance but I ain't following arrows like a trained rat . The hypocrisy of non essential people working and earning as normal then telling the public who are basically skint to stay at home or follow arrows is a nonsense.
Go innocent with it. Pick something up and go to go in the same direction as her (i.e. the wrong direction), stop yourself with a little 'oo' and turn around with a smile and say 'it's so difficult this isn't it, having to remember to follow the arrows?' She may not have even noticed them if she had a lot on her mind and is a bit oblivious.
Yes to be fair I went shopping to Asda late at night the other day. I think there were two of us in the store from what I could work out and I didn't even notice the arrows till half way round (and yes I was going the wrong way) but as there were only two of us it didn't matter I only saw the other person from a long distance. What I did notice though was that when you to to the far end of the store it was impossible to get back again without going the wrong way Edit: but also to add that had anyone said anything I'd have apologised straight away and explained I hadn't noticed because I'm a Pillock and turned round
To be honest the arrow system in supermarkets is not perfect in itself, particularly when the aisles are not parallel with each other as they aren't in some supermarkets. Also, even if we attempt to follow said arrows (as I do) what happens if we check our shopping list and realize we've forgotten an item or missed it on a previous aisle? What gets my goat even more than this are the numbers of ignorant buffoons who cough or sneeze without even an attempt to cover their faces. Absolutely moronic.
But whatever you do don't get caught up in your satisfaction and walk into a grocery stand just minding it's own business. Kudos for having ballax kama ad' laugh at me.
What I did notice that sort of frustrated me a bit was that the store assistants were just standing completely carefree in the middle of the aisle. I had to walk straight past two who were stood chatting, no attempt to move. Then I had to walk past another 3 individual people on different aisles who were stood putting things away but still no attempt to distance themselves.
I'm guessing it's because it's impossible for them to do social distancing in their job so they just don't even think about it when there anymore. For example, at school it is literally impossible to teach kids and not go within 2m of them to look at their work, or to hand out/collect in books and equipment, or just be in the same room all at the same time. Therefore, nobody even tries as you'd go wrong within the first 5 seconds anyway. I suspect that they've just become completely complacent which I understand but obviously doesn't help customers who are trying their best.
In Wath Tesco yesterday and the arrows flow round fine until the last row of the fridge cabinets and the first row of dried goods (sauces, etc) both go in the same direction, so you have to go to the 2nd row of dried stuff to come back down the first row.
People seem to be really good at observing the distancing outside supermarkets, but then lose their fu.cking minds when they get inside.
I saw an old bloke giving a middle aged woman a rollicking for leaning past him to grab some chicken in Morrisons last time I was in.
TBH the one way system inside is a bit pointless, they have lined out 2 meter's for all to see, That should be enough.
Isn't it impossible to maintain two metre distance when you're walking towards each other in an aisle less than two metres wide?