So can I just say that I've been walking a lot the last week on country lanes with no pavements and every single car I've encountered has moved right into the middle of the road or onto the other side to give me plenty is space even when I've moved into the bushes out of their way. Likewise cyclists have moved towards the middle of the road and all have seemed to be riding considerately and as carefully as you can on a cycle downhill. There has been only one who has got in my way or caused any kind of issue by stopping on a bend to adjust something or other or check directions on a phone (not sure what he was doing) so I had to walk right in the middle Inca blind bend but in all fairness to him he was clearly distracted and preoccupied and just didn't notice me or didn't realise that he was in the way so can't fault him at all, it happens. I've seen very few pedestrians but same story, one of us moves completely out of the way and everyone is polite and friendly. Don't know if I've been lucky but I have to say compared to what I heard I've found everyone I've actually met to be behaving impeccably though I have seen a few people in a field (oddly different people same field 3 times) in large groups and not teenagers either. But my post was more about those actually walking, driving or cycling. Can't fault any. Oh and to add a few with dogs. ALL have put their dogs on a lead pretty much as soon as we saw each other.
All young uns I’ve come across n’all. Have been thoughtful in social distancing and moving to one side be it walking or bikes. Credit where credits due. Please don’t let the stupid minority tar em all with the same brush.
I think a lot of people just make $hit up tbh. I live in Penistone which is typically rife with cyclists. Not seen a single person acting irresponsibly. I suspect a a lot of these “unbelievable what i saw today” type posts are just made up. Bored Brexit voters innit. Too much Dave and Top Gear.
Agreed with all of the above. There are bound to be exceptions - in life there are always knobheads - but me and the missus have been doing our state enforced excercise today and everyone has been incredibly polite.
On the whole people are trying their best but there will always be exceptions: a #### a #### regardless. I'm interested as to why you think anyone complaining would be a brexiteer though? I'm a committed remainer but have seen a few folk supping together in groups in my local woods. Not overly happy with this for obvious reasons. I've followed the rules so I would expect or hope others would do the same. I'm no Nazi surprisingly. Just a nurse who would like life to get back to normal as quickly as possible. In Trumpton USA it appears to be the left who are expressing concern and the right who are out protesting and chomping at the bit to end restrictions.
So if I see bad behaviour it’s ME that’s made it up eh ? And because some pond life nearly runs an elderly person over on pavement then that means I voted brexit And because youths are throwing stones and shouting abuse at nurses as they leave St James hospital then I watch Dave and top gear perhaps with such sound reasoning you should be in politics and running the country—
I’ve walked circa 900 miles this calendar year, cyclists are like the rest 80% get it a small minority are dicks, nowt to do with politics or Brexit but I’d guess remainers
Mixed bag with me , vast majority ok , it’s the macho mountain bikers , always seem to be dressed in black , who think they are on some SAS exercise going full pelt on a foot path that’s barely wide enough for one walker , buy a sodding bell or chuffing shout something if you are approaching from behind it will avoid you falling off down the banking !!
The one or two bad apples spoiling it for everyone else as usual... most just doing their best to distance... then the idiots in their souped up BMW’s, hot hatches and motorbikes seeing it as an opportunity to play fast and the furious down the high street. People point out the idiots, because they are about, not because they made it up.