Part one. A woman I work with lost her life to Covid-19 last night. She was healthy prior, just turned 30 and leaves behind a 1yr old son.
Part two. My cousin Ann, 42. Hospitalised with confirmed Covid. She has been progressed from oxygen to 24 hour cpap, and has been told if she doesn’t improve overnight she’ll be sedated and put on a ventilator.
Awful news. Hopefully, your cousin can pull through this horrific period. All the best to her and your family, mate.
Sorry for your friend and her family. Hope your cousin pulls through. Just shows this virus doesn't discriminate. Stay in and stay safe.
terrible news i'm hoping your cousin makes a speedy recovery and condolences to your colleagues family
Shocking news. This Covid 19 is like a game of Russian roulette, your time could come at any moment. Hope your cousin pulls through and best wishes to you and your family mate. Terrible news for your colleagues family and shows that noone is exempt from this awful disease.
That really brings it home to anyone not taking note. So Sorry about the loss and the lass on watch. Hope she comes through.
So sorry to hear this, hope your cousin pulls through. We all need to pull together on this and stop the spread. It's heartbreaking hearing of parents dying and leaving young children behind.
That is tragic news condolences for your work colleague terrible for her family and friends Really hope your cousin can pull through and avoid the ventilator This disease is like nothing we have known before and seems to be random on how it affects people