All about the shortage of PPE and the governments response. Absolutely disgraceful (but expected) how this government is not only letting down NHS workers, but literally distorting the way they add the numbers up (counting individual gloves rather pairs for example), and even downgrading the disease so that the didn't have to supply as much PPE to cover the guidelines. A must watch, especially for those who still trust and think this government is doing a good job
It made you see how much harder their job is then it should be. For a start the government could make wearing a face covering mandatory in public. Covid can be passed from the mouth or nose and takes three weeks. So if they made it mandatory for everyone for a month to cover their nose/mouth in public (whilst carrying on washing your hands regularly) then surely cases/deaths would drop much quicker.....
As As someone on the frontline do you think the powers above have handled things poorly or have they had there hands severely tied up by those filling the store rooms up?
It could be worse we could be Italy who after being savaged for two months today finally got their first PPE from the EU.
Just watched. Absolutely disgraceful unpreparedness by the government both long term and in the Jan/Feb window. However, what is unbelievably evil is the deceit shown by the government in manipulating the statistics to spin that they have been churning out loads of PPE and in the way they downgraded the disease a few weeks ago so as to make the recommendations for PPE less strict. Good, caring people are dying because of this. It is simply appalling. I am very angry after watching the programme (and after reading other reports prior to today)
Covid 19. On the pretence that because there is a test for it (which we have massively under used) then it's not as important so guidelines can be lowered as regards a nutshell.
How many people will have watched this though compared to the spin at 5pm every evening. A billion items of PPE is good only if 999 million are needed. I know this is only an alternative view which the government would, no doubt, rubbish, but the MD column in "Private Eye" has highlighted the governments short comings from the early "herd immunity" days.
Don’t know how many times this has to be said for thick f*****s to take in.THE GOVERNMENT DO NOT ORDER PPE OR ANYTHING ELSE FOR THE NHS.There was plenty of PPE at all of the hospitals.It is all the individual trusts job to order items.There was a simulation around 2yrs ago if ever there was a pandemic,which was conducted by the NHS not the government and it was said they were well prepared.If anyone is to blame it is NHS MANAGEMENT NOT THE GOVERNMENT.It boils my piss that the BBC and other news channels,and some newspapers keep churning this crap out and people still keep talking it in.I am not a Tory supporter but like all over the world many mistakes have been made but who hasn’t made mistakes and you learn from them.There should be no point scoring,all parties should be working together.
“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it”. Just wait until the new era of austerity kicks in so that we can pay for the ideological ‘mistakes’ intentionally made during the last. Anyone not blaming the government are the ones who ‘boil my piss’.
Which government forced the conservatives into austerity that’s right the labour government under Blair and brown spending money the country didn’t have
I have read in several different places that the simulation showed the predicted failures. And that simulation would have been conducted on behalf of the government. trying to absolve a government of blame for mistakes within one of its largest departments is bizarre. It doesn’t matter what the management structure is between a minister and a surgeon, the bottom line is that there is a structure. And that structure is designed managed and therefore the responsibility of government.
Sorry but thats nonsense. Austerity was only one - and the worst, for any but the rich - of a number of ways out of a financial crisis. A crisis that was worldwide and NOT caused by Labour. Labour were forced by the severity of that crisis to take the action they did. And now the Tories, faced with similar circumstances, have been forced to do the same.
You took the words right out of my mouth, but perhaps with more eloquence than I would have used. Thank you.