You know full well that no-one ‘forced’ them. There is hardly a reputable economist in the world that believes it to be anything other than an ideologically-driven calamity. I’m just surprised that even you Tory-apologists are still clinging to this rubbish. Or then again, perhaps I’m not.
So these trusts should be buying PPE with money the government wouldn't give them. This government lives by the strategy of "Blame someone else". Just listen to any interview with any Tory MP....listen how many times they say "we are following the science ". Who do you think they will blame in any subsequent inquiry...that's right , the scientists. Not the people that decided to follow their advice. They wont tell you who is on the committee in these scientific meetings...they wont tell you what is said and how and why they come to the decisions they do, but we know who will get the blame. President Truman said " The buck stops here".....the government ultimately run and fund the NHS so that should be the case...unfortunately they live by the mantra "**** rolls downhill".
To be fair, the breakfast presenters aren’t ‘journalists’ and I often cringe at their stupid questions.
I agree all party’s should be working together but the reason they are not is because the govt choose not to so that’s one of your accusations of the opposition party’s laid to rest . Putting the blame where the blame lies is not point scoring it’s telling it how it is . It’s alwats the same when a Tory govt feks up cries of political point scoring but if a labour govt feks up it’s the devil incarnate . The Tories are to blame for this and many other ills facing this country at the present time and no amount of ranting and pleading not to blame is gonna alter it .
The point that you are missing my friend is the one about the question of who supplies the budget for the NHS managers. Who allocates the funds for them to spend??. If there isn't the money then how can they buy the PPE. Sorry, but there is only one set of thickoes in this argument - people like you.
So what facts did she get wrong ? Yes the gloves come individually but out of 1 billion items 500 million were gloves. Seeing as they are used in pairs (unless the nurse only has one hand) that means there are 250 million times they can be used. They have to be changed patient to patient so straight away that's half as many patients catered for. Put simply it's the one thing the government are good at....twisting the figures to deceive the public.
Idiot. Was it Labour who bought all the sub prime mortgages or the RBS bank???? You need to get to know your history correctly first. And if austerity has been that good, then how come the tories since taken charge and under austerity has increased our borrowing many more times than labour ever did?????
Mmm... the problem we've had is not a lack of ppe but what should we do with it. At first we were told not to use it (no covid or symptomatic patients at that point. However new patients are not tested and neither are staff unless self-isolating or symptomatic. Patient or staff could be carriers without showing symptoms though so it's a precarious position we are in. Then we were informed we had to wear full ppe. Think this lasted about an hour before being rescinded. Now we have to wear face mask only if socially distancing but full ppe if we have a suspected covid patient (which we have). However the main person dictating all this happily walks on and off the ward with no ppe whatsoever and does not socially distance. The problem we have therefore is definitely from within.
I’m finding that astonishing tbh , is it just your place of work with only distribution of PPE problems ?. I ask because almost every interview I’m hearing from other hospitals and trusts on TV, Social Media etc is the complete lack of PPE not the distribution .
Yeah , almost every health and care organisation I’ve seen interviewed on tv or media stories are emphasising that they have no PPE equipment and in some cases are making their own or re using so to hearing it’s a distribution thing is a confusing tbh.
No idea it appears from what I have seen/heard that many trusts have had appropriate supplies but some others havn't. I guess there's quite a few issues involved. Inappropriate use out of clinical areas being one but I'd suggest trusts with a high incidence of cases have struggled as a consequence. I know our trust has donated gowns to others.
1) The world financial crash, particularly with events in the USA caused the financial meltdown, not the Labour Party. 2) Austerity was a political and economic choice. Other countries did not choose austerity. 3) You've been told this before.
This. I work in procurement (not in NHS) and if you haven’t got the budget there’s not a lot you can do. It’s far too late to throw money at it now, there’s just not sufficient stock of a decent quality available.
Good grief John, does the country have the money now to cover the cost of the global pandemic and then the loss of trade from leaving the EU?