And he’ll be told again no doubt , he rolls the same ***** out thread after thread same rhetoric same accusations etc etc . He know all you have stated is true but it’s his only comeback , his only answer to someone criticising his beloved Tories but let’s face it there’s not much about them to shout from the rooftops so if it’s the only bit of armour he has .
New labour under Blair were responsible for many things, but they were not responsible for the financial crash. I'd be the last person to defend that idiot, but they did not cause it.
I’d say the latter , he throws the same accusations out , he’ll be telling us labour closed more pits than the Tories for economic reasons next knowing full well they haven’t.
plane load in today apparently
No you’re the thicko pal.The government gives the trusts the money to use who then have boards of directors,who by the way are paid vast sums of money that people like you keep complaining about.Each and every trust has a procurement team who have have the responsibility of buying equipment.All trusts have different companies who they buy from and different price ranges,there is no central buying centre who buy equipment for all the trusts,and that’s the problem Care homes are not under the NHS most are private and they buy their own PPE not the government.
The labour party have many failings. Causing the World financial crisis and the Tory response to it from 2010 onwards aren't among them.
I’m guessing he’s as exasperated by your failure to acknowledge well known facts as all the others who provided a polite rebuttal. interesting that you ignored all of those
It's not the job of individual NHS managers to stockpile PPE for a pandemic when the NHS is struggling to run key services appropriately due to a lack of funding. The UK Government was warned about this after Operation Cygnus and then chose to not stockpile enough PPE.
There was many failings of the New Labour Party, but they were not responsible for the actual crash. Ironically their policy of having a 'light touch' with the banks, which undoubtably had serious knock on consequences, was the very sort of Capitalism that the Conservative Party had backed for years.
Just adding back in the bits where you’ve tried to duck the government’s responsibility for running one of its largest departments. my daughter might be employed by a trust, but she wears an NHS badge, her trust can’t unilaterally decide what to pay her, or how much revenue it needs and to send citizens a bill to cover the cost. Those decisions are made nationally by the NHS.
Th Thanks for the answer, the job your doing is almost an impossible task and your all doing a fantastic job. We see than many conflicting reports on the news and social media it’s hard to really get a feel for what really goes off behind the scenes. I sincerely hope there’s no more loss of NHS staff. Not all heroes wear capes do they!
i can’t work out if you are having a laugh at us all with a really clever wind up or you really are simple. Maybe you could enlighten us?
I'll just leave you this link here: But just in case you can't be bothered to look at it Responsibilities The Minister of State for Health leads on the following policy areas: NHS operations and performance secondary care commissioning policy healthcare quality regulation hospital care quality and patient experience patient safety hospitals in special measures Department of Health and Social Care expenditure and finances procurement The ultimate responsibility is with the Minister of State for Health (Matt Hancock).
What department are you in? The problem of a shortage of PPE is not because someone is walking around without PPE. THat's your department's problem and the person concerned should be called out by other staff or reported where necessary. Our GP (Leeds NW) turned up to see my wife way back on the 13th March for a house call and wore full equipment: mask, gloves, apron, trousers. He said he had just been told he had to wear it, literally an hour before he turned up - which tied in with the surgery ringing back and telling her not to come in as they'd just had a change of regulation from the NHS.