I think you need to make it clear mate that you don't work in a general hospital as I think some people are getting the wrong end of the stick. Not having a go and I believe you should have the right equipment when nursing regardless of whether its adult, mental health, LD etc
Yes of course i am based at a large mental hospital but I have over the last few weeks spent at least 4 full shifts working in a general hospital in A and E and on a couple of the wards with our patients being treated there. We have sadly seen mental health staff lose their lives also so yes it is of fundamental importance for our management to sort out the ppe issue.
The people concerned are being right royally called out by other staff members. There is no confidence and staff are mightily fearful.
Really bonkers read about the world mad dash for masks. Really worth the read. Remember when "they were useless"? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/28/face-masks-coveted-commodity-coronavirus-pandemic
In a later thread he calls people thickos, ha ha ha. This post whilst not a copy and paste it is very blatent rip off of a fake Jennifer Saunders tweet put out by a right wing knuckle dragging site, could quite possibly be a tory owned bot operation, just shows what this intellectual superior person reads. https://anotherangryvoice.blogspot....ILAYp6MI8CLgjuReGpO5Mb8G9ZMWFudzsv8C-Yk-77D3U
nearly every eu member state chose austerity over investment,they all cut public spending and most increased taxation https://www.europeaninstitute.org/i...cial-reform/1180-austerity-measures-in-the-eu
An addendum to my previous post Supply Chain Coordination Limited About us Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) is a company Registered in England and Wales, with company number 10881715, to act as the management function of the NHS Supply Chain. The company is wholly owned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care who provides direction to the Company through his appointed director on the Board and by a letter of entrustment a copy of which can be found here. The Company acts as the management function within the NHS Supply Chain operating model for the NHS that will deliver savings of £2.4bn back into the frontline by 2023/2024. It will address the current fragmented procurement landscape which leads to widespread price variation in products and lack of consistency in the range of consumables used in the delivery of patient care. Instead it will leverage the buying power of the NHS by identifying the right clinically assured, high quality products at the best value through a more sustainable approach. The Company is committed to providing strong commercial capability, a relentless approach to create value, gain competitive advantage and become the strategic procurement partner of choice for the NHS. Delivering a new procurement model for the NHS The new procurement model addresses the current fragmented procurement landscape which leads to widespread price variation in products.
Perhaps you didn't see the warehouse in Derbyshire that was featured in Panorama. This is not a healthcare trust, but a central buying point for the trusts to use. This warehouse hasn't had the backup PPE that we needed for years. Even Matt Hancock isn't blaming the managers of the trusts, avoiding the question sure, but not blaming the trust managers. Maybe we can add blindless to your list of issues.
If the warehouse in Derbyshire is the one at Alfreton i used to work there. It was a national leader in its sector of industry. Highly efficient part of the NHS. Then it was flogged off by the government to DHL to cut jobs and the need for investment out of the NHS. The government now has to trust DHL to do what they promised to do as caretakers of the procurement and distribution arm and pass increased savings back to the NHS. I'll leave you to judge whether that's happening.
https://order-order.com/2020/04/28/panoramas-ppe-investigation-party-political-broadcast/ Quelle surprise!
Right wing website helpfully pointing out NHS staff are not fans of the Tories that are killing them.
I have absolutely no idea what this Jennifer Saunders tweet is about as I don’t go on Twitter,but you say this is the kind of stuff that I read,well you must be the knuckle dragger as it’s you who has read it.Take a pill and go and lay in a dark room for a couple of days.
Your post.... The alleged and unfactual tweet from not Jennifer Saunders... Cut, paste, alter a bit of text. It's called researching facts.
Thats funny because your post is a badly written copy of that tweet and it is all proved wrong, funny isn't it, so where did you get your information from, mine wasn't from the tweet but from a critique of it of which I posted the link. I have also posted proof in this thread that proves your statement on procurement is wrong, so once again where did you get your information from if not that tweet, it must have originated from the same place that the tweeter got his false information from.
I can see where you’re coming from,but believe me I would not know how to cut,paste,and alter text goes right over my head stuff like that.