What, like former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association Nick Robinson etc Perhaps the fact that there are so many Labour supporting NHS workers might show you how they feel the NHS is being run by the CONservatives. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Anyone saying it's evidence of bias needs to give their head a shake. They're interviewing NHS workers, of course they're going to be pro-Labour. It's like interviewing chickens and then being surprised none of them are pro-fox.
Sorry, got cut off somehow,, what I was trying to say that because my employers are responsible for my performance, then it is that ultimately the Government's responsibility if the managers of the NHS don't fulfill their duties correctly, and therefore they are to blame. Surely even you Mr Sparkfield can see that.
It’s not the only thing your point has been refuted by a number of posters, with facts and links. but it doesn’t stop you believing the absolute lies you posted, your only defence being that you don’t understand how to copy and paste. Your defence is literally that you’re not bright enough to understand the facts, because you’re not even bright enough to repeat the lies in a technical way. seriously it makes Trump look competent.
This only proves that despite not being able to cut and paste, you are savvy enough to post a photo. If the letters page of the Daily Mail is where you are getting your information I would be seriously worried
Right, a letters page in a paper that bears no resemblence to your original post is your source of information. My additional post of my information is a governmental source (link below). I repeat, NHS procurement is carried out by a government owned company set up to supply all trusts, they can only order from this company. There has been many reports of trusts submitting orders and either not geting the numbers asked for or getting such things as flimsy plastic aprons instead of the full cover heavy duty gowns they ordered. https://www.supplychain.nhs.uk/about-us/
Not only that but a letter that holds up Sir Philip f**king Green saying it should be privatised as evidence - where to start! And others quoting from Guido Fawkes - I'd believe the Daily Mash before anything that lovely person says BBC not taking this lying down https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/statements/panorama-mon-27-apr