No New cases caught in South Korea for the first time since it started They now dont think the recovered people testing positive again actually have the disease but these results are false positives based on inactive parts of virus still in the system. If it can be done there using the test and trace there is a chance it can be done in other countries. Of course it helps when you quarantine new arrivals - something we still don't do
I think it’s the model we’re planning on copying and the fact it’s been successful there brings some hope that it can be successful here. I don’t know how much more challenging it will be in a larger population however. Shame that all our preparations were for a flu pandemic rather than a coronavirus pandemic. I think the plan is to begin testing/quarantining new arrivals if our cases per capita decreases below the cases per capita from the incoming countries. At the moment quarantining those on incoming flights would be pretty ineffective because of how widespread it is already is in the UK.
Brilliant news. Love reading what Professor Sikora says. Whilst the press are super negative and love their stories of what could or might happen, his tweets are a shining light in times like these with how positive he always is and he speaks a lot of sense too like his views on cancer. I wonder if countries will try and get enough blood plasma from Covid survivors to inject in the public to build up antibodies without them waiting to possibly catch the virus first, as kinda like an alternative vaccine.
We really aren’t that much bigger than South Korea and their population density is higher than ours, so overall pretty similar countries in terms of size, so it can be done. However once a virus is rampant then the horse has bolted and it’s basically a fire fight. They managed it properly, tested effectively, and were basically proactive. We’ve been the exact opposite.
I dont know what you mean On todays Press conference Boris said - and I quote "We have succeeded in avoiding the tragedy we saw in other parts of the world." so is he lying - or maybe around 40000 deaths and the second highest death count in the world isnt a tragedy but a success?
The mind boggles, the amount of ***** him and his colleagues have come up with and there’s People (and lots of them for what it’s worth) just lap it up. We are now in the firm grip of a puppet master these days. It’s got to the point they can do and say what they like, with zero consequence.
26771 deaths not 40000 Every one a tragedy but as a % of the population we are not second worst in the world There have been mistakes, no doubt as there have been no prescedents to fall back on but before we throw **** at the fan remember hindsight is bloody marvellous .....
the true number is far higher
So did the vast majority of UK citizens, despite the stories we've seen about illegal pub sessions and secret barbecues. The real difference between South Korea and the UK is that our decision makers were much slower in bringing in lockdown, failed to implement any meaningful track/trace policy, and generally dropped us all in the brown stuff.
Where am I denigrating anyone apart from the people lying. I don’t blame the believers (although I don’t understand them) I blame the ones lying to them, the ones who created this fcukking mess.
no problem with the above - we can believe the politicians or disbelieve them - no problem with you stating your opinion that '…...the ***** him and his colleagues come up with.' no problem with you saying it's a 'fcukking mess' But when you say 'people just lap it up' you are disparaging or denigrating those people because the inference is that the 'people who lap it up' haven't the ability to understand what is being said.
I think that's the main point. To do what South Korea did you have to act early. There comes a point where such an approach is beyond the resources you have available. South Korea acted before that. We were way too late. I don't like this government and I don't particularly want to defend them, but one of the reasons that South korea were on the ball and we weren't is that South Korea experienced SARS and we didn't. They knew what could happen because they experienced it and we knew what could happen because we were told. There's a big difference.
Who needs hindsight when you've got an NHS wide virus test to tell you you're woefully under prepared for a pandemic, but do nothing about it?
What South Korea did was well known. Any government planning for such an event in their own countries would study best practice elsewhere. Sadly many, including ours failed their people.
I am no apologist for this shi.t show of a government but can you imagine the outcry at the time if, say, in February the Government had decided to put lockdown in place when there were effectively no deaths (or maybe one or two). They would have got some real stick from all angles. It would have been an outcry of Trumpian proportions. The Government is woeful on many fronts but hindsight is a wonderful thing
South Korea actually had less cases of SARS (3) than the UK (4) did in the 2002-4 epidemic - Although they did see it at close quarters in China and Taiwan. However, SARS only had ~9000 cases worldwide before it faded away. They also have the advantage of being a political island thanks to the North Korean DMZ. And, also thanks to that, they have around 10% of the population in the armed forces (~3.6 million active + reserves) who they can call on to put a proper lockdown in place and deal with it with great precision very quickly. And there were a lot of experts who were begging the UK to do something when it was early enough to do something about it (early Feb). Instead the government modeled on flu and hoped we'd become immune to save the economy wasting the head start and letting it crash through the vulnerable.